The book awakened New Zealanders have been waiting for! Here’s the details:

Book Review:
“The author of ‘In the Jaws of the Dragon’, Ron Asher, once again exposes tyranny. Only this time the tyranny is not a product of the CCP and Xi Jinping, instead it is the product of authoritarianism and socialism, things the Ardern regime model themselves on, right here in New Zealand.
After reading ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ by Robert F Kennedy you know who the actors are in the COVID-19 saga. Ron Asher skillfully introduces the readers to these actors, their roles and pulls apart their corrupt actions in this well laid out expose of the dystopia our world has descended into.
From “China’s gift to the world” to “Vaccine Mandates” Asher slashes through the mainstream media’s bias, laying out the truth for all to see. ‘A Jab in the Dark’ is not an enjoyable read, but a necessary one, and one that is difficult to put down once you pick it up.”
Andy Oakley

Price: NZD $35.00
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Size: A5
Type: Soft Cover
Pages: 190 including 10 pages of colour illustrations
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Great news:15 out of 27 countries of the EU already signed into the new Covid passport which will be applied from the 1 July : 🙁 🙁 🙁 You gotta be either jabbed, tested negative or recovered from Covid ( a bit vague ), to proceed travelling.
Harrison said, it’s interesting, that there are no satanic huge devil horns showing in the back presenting the announcement of ” the Beast ” by a rather gentle, insecure ( voice of a ) woman. Hmmm…,if you look at the presentation of the 2 EU flags, both triangular shapes narrowing to the top. I would still say, that they perfectly reflect the shape of horns of one kind or the other.
EU Mandates Covid Passport As Part Of Global Surveillance Control Grid
Apr 23, 2022,The American Journal
Apr 23, 2022
” either jabbed, tested negative or recovered from Covid”. Errmm…I think that pretty much covers everyone.
here’s a Global research article on the same thing:
Take note: “As noted in the above Summary, the intent is to extend the Regulation which expires on June 30 2022 for another twelve months until June 30th, 2023″
Note that this article was updated on 11 April and replaces an earlier version that was more alarming and less factual. Significantly, the earlier version of the article was dated “April 1 2022” and made some blatantly bogus claims.
Now I have come across this one:
The SPARS Pandemic Book 2025-2028. The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Health Security
The author states:
” This is a training exercise, based on a fictional scenario. It is a teaching and training resource for public health and government officials so that they can practice responses and better protect the public’s health”.
Focus area: Emerging Infectious Diseases and Epidemics, completed October 2017
This book exists of 70 pages. I read through it at reasonably speed. A screenplay we are living in right now, just the clownworld changed names of actors, nations & countries. If you read inbetween the lines, it is more or less our current world situation.
The references are going back to 2005 & 2015. Though I couldn’t find the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. In: Department of Health and Human Services, ed. Washington, DC. from 2005 . Their website is all “updated”, 2005 (propably) deleted.
Under section : “who we are:” you will find all the criminal funders & leaders of the world, including Fauci in a pic.
“Financial Hardship”:
They state: “With a total nonvaccination harm of $1 billion per day and misinformation and disinformation causing between 5% and 30% of this harm, misinformation and disinformation have caused between $50 and $300 million worth of total harm every day since May 2021, when the vaccines were freely available to most US adults…”blahblah
Poor buggers, another reason to keep printing money…
“Test Kits”:
There are about 80 serology (after infection)test kids available for COV19.
One supplier, for example of “Elecsys Anti-SARS-CoV-2” states:
False positive results for the Elecsys Anti-SARS-CoV-2 assay may occur due to cross reactivity from pre existing antibodies or other possible causes.
So why is everyone still running to the doctors when they get the snuffles? Do you want a positive result?
How does it go? Take your mask off, so you can smell the BS!
No good running to the doctors if you’ve got the snuffles Marion. Tell them you’re sick and they barricade the doors and throw rocks at you! In the current Clown world insanity, only fit healthy people are allowed to see the doctor.
It’s actually interesting,that all these trolls finding themselves on this site are always either “lost” or “confused”. I guess if you drift off MSM & 6o’clock news the AWAKENING is confusing. So switch off the box & take off your mask,so you can see & smell the BS…(sorry). This saying actually belongs to a really good pic I still haven’t put on my car yet.
Anyhow, for Grant who feels confused about reality. Please go to :
Corona Ausschuss de & watch Episode 99:
about the young fighting Danish girl Sedse who could NOT find a doctor in Denmark in “Stage Victory”, and/or listen to
Sherry, what will still happen to most of us who got the jab or are around jabbed victims
or listen to Casey’s story:
So next time you judge a book by the cover, you should better read it first. Cause there is a lot to catch up..
The trolls aren’t lost or confused Marion, they are well co-ordinated and know exactly what they are doing.
That’s why I put it in “..” hyphens.
This magazine has an agenda to confuse people about the real agenda, which is screwing with the facts. This factual screwing is within this magazine, and it is killing people with misinformation.
Thanks for enlightening us as to our “agenda”. It’s news to us here at the Uncensored team, however.
The motto printed on our logo says “Think for yourself”.
Our only “agenda” is to encourage readers to follow that advice, rather than letting others tell them what to think or how to think.
It therefore up to every individual to do their due and diligent research and decide what is factual and what constitutes “misinformation”.
thanks for your opinion Grant.