Jane Sumpter speaks to Hannah – A medic’s insight into New Zealand’s vaccine push
From FreeNZ (Liz Gunn)
Being a medic is not just a job. Nor is it merely a profession. It is a calling. A Vocation.
It takes a very special being to undertake many years of study. It demands the accumulating of substantial student debt, the added years of gaining practical experience, the starting out on basic salaries while working long hours, often with very little thanks, while literally saving lives.
This is no 9 to 5 job. A true medical professional doesn’t leave work at work. They carry it with them. It is a physically, emotionally and mentally demanding, even damaging, undertaking.
During the terrifying start of the original Covid-19 outbreak and the subsequent media fear about the Delta variant, I was deeply gratified to see these selfless individuals finally being given the recognition they have for far too long deserved, as they fought for us, and seemed to be putting their own lives at risk.
During lockdowns around the world, in the UK, India, Italy and many other countries, a Clap For Carers campaign became a weekly ritual, with people standing in their front yards or leaning out of apartments at an allocated time, to celebrate their frontline workers – including their doctors, nurses, career, paramedics, and fire fighters. Neighbourhood tribute concerts – with social distancing of course – were held in driveways, backed up by children on xylophones or maracas, as well as bursting fireworks display.
Yet months later, here in New Zealand, many of these medical workers had their jobs terminated. There was no fault or wrongdoing on their part. Not only were they dismissed, but also they were condemned and vilified for making a choice about their own bodies – a choice not to subject themselves to what they then felt, and we now know beyond a shadow of a doubt, is an experimental gene-altering medicine. A medicine that contains toxic and foreign elements that should never exist in our bodies. A trial drug with questionable efficacy and safety and a high risk of almost all side effects known to man. We see evidence in our jab-injured that the side effects can be severe, life altering, and, in a growing number of cases, fatal.
So what was it like for these now vindicated medics, to go from hero to zero?
Hannah* is a nurse. Correction, she was a nurse. She spent 3 years training, racked up a $35,000 student loan and began working long hours for little more than the minimum wage – $25.90 an hour. “The new basic income for someone working at McDonald’s,” she says.
Even prior to the vaccine rollout, Hannah had an inkling that things “just weren’t right”.
“Mainstream media footage from the US and Europe of overrun hospitals with giant marquees in car parks dealing with COVID patients, the unsubstantiated mass deaths reported, pictures of mass graves and people in hazmat suits and videos of people dropping dead on the streets in China – it all looked like a Hollywood movie set, designed to create an element of fear,” she says.
She also held grave concerns about Dr (if you can call him that) Anthony Fauci’s decision to promote Remdesivir as the only drug US doctors and hospitals were permitted to use, to treat COVID-19 patients…
Read the rest at FreeNZ Editorial: A long article but a very good read:
Hero to Zero – The FreeNZ Editorial (substack.com)
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