MUST READ! Government forced to launch investigation into rise in newborn deaths since the COVID vaccine was approved

Recently, an exclusive investigation carried out by the team at The Exposé forced the European Union to launch a Europe-wide investigation into why so many children have died and are still dying since the European Medicines Agency first approved the Covid-19 vaccine for children.

The Exposé
Tue, 04 Oct 2022 

Now a second investigation conducted by the team at The Exposé has forced the Scottish Government to launch a country-wide investigation into why so many newborn baby deaths have occurred across the country since Government & Health Officials outrageously claimed the Covid-19 vaccine was safe for pregnant women without any evidence to back up those claims whatsoever.

neonatal deaths

On the 30th of September, the Scottish Government announced it was finally commissioning a long overdue investigation into neonatal deaths across Scotland since the Covid-19 vaccine was first approved.

The investigation is finally being launched months after an exclusive investigation carried out by The Expose revealed that newborn baby deaths had hit what was considered to be ‘critical levels’ for the second time in seven months in March 2022. After previously hitting critical levels in September 2021.

The Scottish Government says that “the review will cover all reported deaths across Scotland between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022 to find out if there is anything that may have contributed to the increase. Anything identified will feed into recommendations and actions to improve the quality of care for mother and babies.”

Unfortunately, the review is expected to take between six and nine months. This means many more newborns could sadly die before the Scottish Government finally admits Covid-19 vaccination is to blame for this shocking rise in neonatal deaths.

The discovery of these record-breaking deaths came after it was quietly revealed that both Pfizer and Medicine Regulators hid the dangers of Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy because the only study conducted found it increases the risk of birth defects & infertility.

Public Health Scotland (PHS) has a full dashboard on Covid-19 wider impacts on the health care system, found here, and it includes a whole range of data from mental health statistics to pregnancies, cardiovascular disorders data, and cancer.

Official figures reveal that the rate of neonatal deaths increased to 4.6 per 1000 live births in March 2022, a 119% increase on the expected rate of deaths. This means the neonatal mortality rate breached an upper warning threshold known as the ‘control limit’ for the second time in at least four years.

The last time it breached was in September 2021, when neonatal deaths per 1000 live births climbed to 5.1. Although the rate fluctuates month to month, the figure for both September 2021 and March 2022 is on a par with levels that were last typically seen in the late 1980s.

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Whilst we know the Scottish Government will never admit that the Covid-19 injections are to blame, there exists plenty of evidence that they almost certainly are.

At the end of April 2021, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) formally recommended that all pregnant women should be offered the Pfizer Covid-19 injection, despite the fact no studies had been performed to prove the safety of administering the injection during pregnancy.

However, despite the JCVI not officially advising the jab be offered to pregnant women until the end of April 2021, we know that they were being given it prior to this due to the number of miscarriages reported to the UK Medicine Regulator as of April 5th 2021.

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This was also despite the fact the UK Government had clearly stated in the official ‘REG 174 INFORMATION FOR UK HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS‘ document prepared upon emergency authorisation of the Pfizer mRNA Covid-19 injection in December 2020, that the Pfizer jab was not recommended for use during pregnancy, pregnancy should be ruled out prior to vaccination, and women of childbearing age should avoid pregnancy for at least 2 months after their second dose.

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But we now know that even this official advice withheld the true information, with Medicine Regulators around the world working in tandem with Pfizer to cover up the fact the only limited animal study performed to test the safety of the Pfizer vaccine in pregnancy found an increased rate of birth defects and infertility.

The full investigation of this fraud and deception can be read here,

But to summarise: a ‘Freedom of Information’ request alongside an in-depth dive into the only pregnancy/fertility study performed on the Pfizer Covid-19 injection revealed that Medicine Regulators and Pfizer chose to publicly cover up alarming abnormalities of the developing foetus and falsely downgraded the actual risk of Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy by suppressing documented findings of the clinical data.

These decisions led medical professionals, who are far too trusting of Medicine Regulators, to wrongly inform pregnant women that the Covid-19 injections are perfectly safe during pregnancy.

This in turn led to many pregnant women feeling pressured to get vaccinated.

FOI reveals Pfizer and Medicine Regulators hid the dangers of Covid-19 Vaccination during Pregnancy because Study found it increases risk of Birth Defects & InfertilityAnother alarming real-world study also found that the rate of Miscarriage is 82% following Covid-19 Vaccination.

In July 2021, we exclusively revealed how data had been manipulated by scientists carrying out a real-world study for the CDC to show that Covid-19 vaccines were safe for use during pregnancy.

The authors claimed that the number of people to suffer a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) during the study was 104 out of 827 completed pregnancies, equating the risk of miscarriage at 12.6%; 7 – 12% lower than the risk of miscarriage in the general population.

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However, our analysis proved that these numbers were extremely misleading due to the fact that of the 827 completed pregnancies, 700 / 86% of the women had received a dose of either the Pfizer or Moderna Covid-19 vaccine during the third trimester of pregnancy, meaning it was impossible for them to suffer a miscarriage due to the fact they can only occur prior to week 20 of pregnancy.

This meant that just 127 women received either the Pfizer or Moderna Covid-19 vaccine during the first/second trimester, and 104 of the woman sadly lost their baby.

Therefore, the rate of incidence of miscarriage was 82%not 12.6% as presented in the findings of the study, and the authors of the study have since admitted that they made a mistake, issuing a correction six months too late because the study has been used to justify Covid-19 vaccination of pregnant women and new mothers around the world.

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Another study conducted in Japan on behalf of Pfizer, which is contained in the confidential documents the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has been forced to publish by court order, also shows that a high concentration of the Covid-19 injection accumulates in the ovaries for a minimum of 48 hours.

It’s not known whether it continues to accumulate after 48 hours due to observations being halted at this point.

In the first 15 minutes following injection of the Pfizer jab, researchers found that the total lipid concentration in the ovaries measured 0.104ml. This then increased to 1.34ml after 1 hour, 2.34ml after 4 hours, and then 12.3ml after 48 hours.

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This may also explain why further Public Health Scotland data contained in their Covid-19 Wider Impacts dashboard shows the rate of ovarian cancer across Scotland has been significantly higher than the expected average since March 2021.

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As we said, the Scottish Government will never admit that the Covid-19 injections are responsible for a rise in neonatal deaths in Scotland.

But with –

*studies showing that the Covid-19 vaccine accumulates in the ovaries over time,

*real-world data showing the rate of miscarriage is as high as 82% following vaccination,

*and evidence proving Medicine Regulators and Pfizer hid the dangers of Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy because the only study conducted found it increases the risk of birth defects & infertility,

It’s quite clear that the Covid-19 injections interfere with the reproductive system and should never have been offered to pregnant women until further studies and investigations had been conducted.

There is however still hope that the Scottish Government will quietly remove pregnant women from the list of people who are offered a Covid-19 injection in the future without being forced to publicly link it to the shocking rise in newborn baby deaths seen across the country.


Martin comments: There’s a special place in Hell awaiting the mRNA jab-pushers. The Nuremberg Trials spring to mind: “We were just following orders”. And those of us who tried to raise the alarm are “just conspiracy theorists”. How many of these theories have to become fact before people wake up and pay attention? How many “We told you so”s must we utter? Facts and data don’t lie.

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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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