More AI madness. What happens when an idiot programmer gives their creation too much freedom. Didn’t these lunatics ever read Frankenstein or watch The Terminator? MH

From Jeff Wefferson:
“The US Air Force tested an AI enabled drone that was tasked to destroy specific targets. A human operator had the power to override the drone—and so the drone decided that the human operator was an obstacle to its mission—and attacked him. “
Martin comments: Clearly they did NOT consult Asimov’s laws of robotics or Dr. Morbius!!
To repeat my header, you put an idiot in charge of programming, and this is what you’ll get. To repeat an old programming sying: “Garbage in, garbage out”.
Dr. Moebius and Robby The Robot demonstrate Asimov’s “Three Laws of Robotics” to Commander Adams and Lieutenants Jerry Farman and “Doc” Ostrow.

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