Today on my day off I’m remembering the protestors who occupied parliament grounds in Wellington from Waitangi Day on 6th February until the 2nd March 2022.

Author: Jo Blogs, Red Sky In The Morning blog

The message was to end the mandates – mandates that were ruled illegal in May 2021. Next minute the NZ government changed the law under urgency on May 18th 2021 in order to ram the mandates through on the populace.

Govt makes urgent law change after High Court ruling on legality of vaccine rollout

After that ordinary people had no recourse than to protest. The protestors fought the mandates on the grounds of parliament while the police and defence forces fought in the court. On February 27th 2022, two days before the protest was ended, the High Court overturned the Police and Defence vaccine mandates and the government faced a legal ultimatum to end mandates and vaccine passes immediately.

Is that why the New Zealand government evicted the protesters from parliament grounds three days later?

Govt faces legal ultimatum: End mandates and vaccine passes, now

Do we owe the protestors freedom from pharmaceutical and medical tyranny?

We went down to Wellington the day before it ended to see the protest for ourselves. It was nothing like we were shown on TV. The grounds were clean, it was peaceable, well ordered and the various groups were in harmony.

I saw the NZ National anthem acted out in front of us. I saw the bonds of love, with people of every creed and race coming together, praying for God to defend NZ. “From dissension, envy, hate, and corruption guard our state,” I heard them sing. I saw it first hand for myself, not through the media lens.

It was sad to see the protest portrayed in such a negative light by our government and media. I know we were turned off and our TV has never gone back on. Are you glad to see Newshub gone? Do you trust the news media?

Whether we agree with the Wellington protest or not, I think we all agree on free speech and not having our opinion shaped by the media.

Related post

Jacinda signals her masters after the protest

Jo-Blogs avatar



Hi, I live in beautiful New Zealand. I write, I blog, I work, and in my time off I enjoy the great outdoors. I am the mother of two grown children and inheritor of their cats. I work in IT with my husband and son.

Martin comments:

Good article Jo. You hit the nail on the head. The unstated reason for the mandate withdrawal and the fascistic police action dictated by our government was the ultimatum given by “we the people”. Ultimately it was the reason for Ardern’s tearful demise as NZ’s temporary dictator.
I do not miss the Socialist current affairs show euphemistically termed “Newshub”. The few times I ever watch the TV news I’m gobsmacked by how blatantly biased and largely irrelevant it has become. Even the following shows like Campbell Live and Holmes which put politicians and academics under the spotlight have been replaced by idiot-level infotainment shows like The Project and Seven Sharp, with smirking presenters and chuckling audiences.
Good riddance to it all I say.

This is this is the message to government and the people that led to the end of the mandates:

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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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