Liberal state declares war on small farmers and homesteaders

War on food is spreading in U.S. through land-use restrictions, geoengineering and waves of propaganda

by Leo Hohmann | Mar 22, 2024 

Liberal small farms farmers

Remember, it really is all about depopulation

The World Economic Forum warned us several years ago that its ultimate goal was to destroy the middle class. How else would you explain their slogan: “You will own nothing and learn to like it“?

This mantra is playing out in real time in the state of Oregon, and other states, in various forms which we will get into in this article.

Small farmers are under attack in the Beaver State, which has begun shutting down family farms throughout the state under the guise of water conservation and groundwater protection.

The owner of Yanasa Ama Ranch shared a 20-minute video explaining what is going on in Oregon as bureaucrats erroneously classify small family farms and homesteads as “concentrated animal feeding operations,” or CAFOs, in order to shut them down. Any feeding area that has a concrete, rock or gravel floor falls into this category, which would include most small dairy or egg farms.

If you have two or three milking cows, the rancher explains, you are now targeted by the state for closure.

The rancher further explains in the video:

“The state of Oregon has effectively shut down small farms and market gardens on a large scale, and they’re actually sending out cease-and-desist letters to farms and they’re using satellite technology to find their victims and send them these letters that say you can’t operate.”

The below video is 20 minutes but the most critical information is contained in the first 5 or 6 minutes. Note that he says most of these anti-farming, anti-private property laws start in places like Washington and Oregon but end up spreading to other states over time. That is so true!

Wake up folks. The tyranny is gaining ground. The war on food is heating up and will inevitably cause a major worldwide famine at some point. Remember what I’ve said in previous articles, that depopulation is the ultimate goal of the globalists. There is no other explanation behind their rabid lust for World War III, their relentless pushing of toxic vaccines, harmful chemicals sprayed in the atmosphere and put in our food, their celebration of abortion and all things LGBTQ+, and the list goes on. The more death and sterilizations they can foster, the happier they will be.

There was some good news on the atmospheric spraying this week. The state Senate in Tennessee has passed a bill banning all such spraying within its borders, whether it be for geoengineering or other purposes. (See story here).

The globalists are also waging war against small farms and homesteaders on the propaganda front.

The far-left media group Media Matters, funded by George Soros and other globalists, recently put out a hit-piece article targeting homesteaders as “white nationalist” and “anti-government.” How dare they seek to grow their own food! They must be racists! See video below.

I keep hearing that the CFR-Trilateral-WEF-UN globalists are “running scared.” That may be true, but I wouldn’t bet on it. As long as we see horror stories like this one out of Oregon I am of the opinion that these global predators are only just getting started. If they were at all fearful they would be pulling back on some of their most harmful policies in the war on food. Instead, they continue to pressure farmers to cull their flocks of birds, radically reduce the size of their bovine herds, and now they’re trying to render their farmland useless through nefarious “water protection” policies. Their goal is to put all small farmers and homesteaders out of business and force them into the cities, where people are more easily surveilled and controlled. We cannot allow them to succeed. Find small farmers in your area and support them. is 100 percent reader supported, not beholden to any corporate or government ads or sponsorships. That’s why I’m able to remain totally independent in my news and analysis. If you appreciate my work and want to support it, you may send a donation of any size c/o Leo Hohmann, P.O. Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264.

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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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