“This is a brilliant, well-planned strategic attack on one of the most important supply chains in the United States of America,” investigative journalist Lara Logan told Steve Bannon on The War Room.
MAR 27 |

Shiptracker screenshot added by M Harris
“Why are you coming to the mic telling the country that it’s not terrorism when your own intelligence agencies are telling you it is?”
“How did they do it?” she asked.
“They knew that they had to target one of two main anchor points on that bridge. There are two load-bearing pylons that any structural engineer can identify that are on the end of each side of the bridge. These are the ones that are thicker and stronger than anything else on that bridge. And when you hit one of those pylons, when you take that out, the reason you see so much of that bridge collapse instantly is you just brought 50% of the span of that bridge coming crumbling down.”
Logan called the collapse “absolutely catastrophic” and “a structural nightmare and a logistical nightmare.”
According to Logan, the collapse is expected to shut down the affected corridor for four to five years, with immediate effects on the movement of hazardous materials and oversized loads.
The attack not only affects ground transportation by shutting down the I-95 corridor but also impacts sea transport by closing the shipping corridor.
“This is what you call death by a thousand cuts. It is an absolutely catastrophic attack on critical infrastructure, and you cannot see it because a cyber attack is unseen, just like the attack in 2020 on the voting machines that you cannot see.”
Click here to watch the full video.
Martin comments: I have to admit, my first thought was how reminiscent this is of the Suez Canal incident that pre-empted world supply chains just before Covid hit. Second thought was; so many vehicles be they cars, planes or ships suddenly losing power (or switching on seemingly of their own volition, with no driver on board, as happened recently at a motor show in China with multiple casualties), and how Trump described WW3 “a war like no other”. Are we seeing remote hacking at work and is this how the war will proceed and escalate? Have we left the Lock Step Scenario and entered the Hack Attack Scenario? Scenarios for the Future ofTechnology and International Development.pdf (PDFy mirror) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

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