Australia Govt Orders Facebook And X To Remove Muslim Extremist Knife Attack Video

Parishioners and live stream audience members for the Christ The Good Shepherd Church in Sydney, Australia were enjoying a sermon by popular conservative Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel when a young male Muslim assailant entered the church and stabbed him repeatedly with a knife. 

Tyler Durden's Photo


The live stream clip was immediately shared far and wide on social media with X and Facebook being the easiest sites to view the video.

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel is a leader of the Assyrian Orthodox sect who has a global following. He has expressed stalwart conservative views on Islam, the LGBT community, and was vocal in his sermons against lockdowns and vaccinations during COVID-19.  Four other member of the church were injured while subduing the attacker; the young man also reportedly cut off some of his own fingers during the struggle. 

The Australia government through their “E-Safety Commissioner” has voiced concerns over the spread of the clip and has “ordered” Facebook and X to remove if from public access within 24 hours on the grounds that it will “make people emotional” and “cause disharmony.”  How much power Australia’s E-Safety Commissioner actually has to follow through on her threats remains to be seen. 

The identity of the attacker has yet to be revealed by authorities, but he is allegedly 16-years old and was recorded smiling after stabbing the Bishop while praising Allah.  Once again, westerners have been treated to a lesson in cultural diversity. 

The motivation behind Australia’s effort to have the event removed from social media is blatantly transparent.  If the attack involved anyone other than a Muslim it is unlikely they would have an interest in censoring the video.  However, such horrifying incidents involving potential migrants create growing opposition to the open border policies of western progressive governments.  So, rather than addressing the root of the problem (mutually exclusive cultures), officials have decided it’s better to hide it instead.  

Public outcry over the attack has led to protests in the streets of Sydney with many Australians becoming angry and tired of the special protections allotted to people with the “right beliefs” and ethnic background.  To their credit, the Sidney police have labeled the stabbing a terrorist attack with adequate evidence of religious motivation.  This, though, does not help if the attack is simply allowed to fade into the background until the next time the third world decides to force itself onto the western public. 

Martin comments: Shades of Ardern’s “Christchurch Call” for censorship following Ukranian (Azov Battalion) -trained terrorist (oops did I say that out loud?) Brenton Tarrant’s rampage. In fact with the whole scenario is a curious comparison and, in some aspects, contrast. I say strongly, however, that the actions of this young extremist does not (I hope and pray) represent the Islamic majority.

*Don’t believe me about Tarrant? Here’s one link among many relating to the topic: IntelBrief: The Transnational Network That Nobody is Talking About – The Soufan Center

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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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