Dispute Over US Presidential Election Results Will Likely Result in Unprecedented Civil Disorder

China will likely seek to exploit post-election chaos to blockade Taiwan and massively cyberattack the US homeland if Biden makes good on his pledge to defend Taiwan militarily

David T. Pyne Oct 28, 2024

Biden unleashes on 'MAGA Republicans,' calls them threat to democracy | Fox News Video

President Joe Biden giving a speech on September 1, 2022, railing against the alleged threat from eighty million Trump supporters whom he has denounced as domestic violent extremists, comparing them to Nazis. In fact, the greatest domestic security threat the US has ever faced is from Biden himself given his close Communist Chinese business ties and his decidedly un-American penchant for authoritarianism as well as his decision to authorize the use of deadly force against President Trump and his supporters.

Communist China has been employing what it calls “disintegration warfare’ to sow chaos in the US and divide Americans against each other along race, gender and class lines as never before. In furtherance of this end, Beijing has joined its propaganda efforts with the Biden-Harris regime in sowing hate and disinformation to make nearly half of Americans believe that the opposing party is led by an authoritarian presidential nominee who would rule as an authoritarian, throw his political enemies in prison and threaten ‘democracy’ itself. There is actually no evidence to support such a proposition while there is a great deal of evidence to suggest that is exactly what the Biden-Harris regime has been doing in waging all out war on America’s democratic traditions and doing everything they can to subvert and undermine America’s democratic election system.

While the PRC normally would want to ensure the victory of its anointed presidential candidate as it did when it helped the Democrats steal the election through Chinese-owned Dominion Voting machines using programmable Communist Venezuelan programmable Smartmatic voting software, this time it may decide to employ a different strategy. This November, they could opt to help the Democrats steal just enough votes to enable Kamala Harris to eke out the narrowest of victories within a handful of electoral votes, causing Republicans to claim the election was stolen and that President-Elect Harris is an illegitimate president like Biden.

That could potentially provoke a second Capital riot on January 6, 2025 leading to the Biden regime to weaponize the FBI to crack down on Trump voters to a much larger degree that it did four years earlier. Alternatively, they could attempt to cause her to fall just short of winning in the hopes that far left Democrats and domestic terrorist organizations like Antifa and Black Lives Matter will take to the streets and burn down most of America’s largest cities, while giving them a pretext for blockading Taiwan before President Trump takes office. Both Biden and Trump are predicting violence by the other party if the other side wins and Biden has reportedly authorized the US military to use lethal force against rightwing protesters if he deems it necessary.

The most likely electoral map if Vice President Kamala Harris were only to secure the minimum number of electoral votes needed to secure her presidential election victory.

Either way, they undoubtedly hope that President Joe Biden, who former CIA case officer Sam Faddis has described as “a controlled CCP asset” given that his family has been paid $31 million from Chinese businesses linked to PRC military intelligence, does exactly what he told his supporters he would do at a rally on October 22nd which is “to lock [Trump] up” when he is sentenced on November 18th even if Trump is President-Elect. The US Supreme Court might not make a decision on an appeal of his sentencing until after he is inaugurated on January 20th. If Biden and Harris were to make Trump a political prisoner as authoritarian regimes have routinely done to their political opponents abroad, then Trump’s Republican supporters will paint him as a martyr and will rail against the Biden regime giving them the potential to crack down on tens if not hundreds of thousands of patriotic Americans who stand for freedom and liberty…READ THE REST:

Dispute Over US Presidential Election Results Will Likely Result in Unprecedented Civil Disorder

Note: This is a very lengthy and detailed article and I strongly recommend reading it in full at Pyne’s Substack. Martin

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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of theCONTrail.com community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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