First its drones, now its fog. Witnesses claim this fog “isn’t normal” and worryingly, it is allegedly making people sick. Is this the 2025 depopulation plot at work, a Blue Beam component, or just media-fueled paranoia?

MrBB333 gives us the basics:
At the time of compiling this assemblage of information, this fog has now acquired a name: “Fogvid24”.
From TimesNow:
Is ‘Fogvid-24’ Making US And UK Residents Sick? What We Know
Authored by: Arkaprovo Roy
Updated Jan 1, 2025
A thick fog, referred to as “Fogvid-24,” has affected travel throughout the US and UK, resulting in flight delays, rail difficulties, and dangers on highways, while fueling conspiracy theories regarding health impacts such as cold and flu signs. Social media has heightened worries, as viral posts claim illnesses associated with fog exposure; however, medical professionals advise caution and emphasize the importance of validated information. Is ‘Fogvid-24’ Making US And UK Residents Sick? What We Know | Times Now
Dan Xuisoko52.1K subscribers
And Mr. Xuisoko isn’t the only one to draw a connection to “Smart Dust”:
What is Smart Dust? DARPA conspiracy theory surrounding abnormal fog enveloping the globe intensifies
Modified Jan 01, 2025
“Could this strange fog happening in multiple states and cities be Smart Dust? DARPA has a patent on Smart Dust back in the ‘90s I’m sure it’s been perfected in 2024 and the use of AI now,” a person wrote.
“The fog is smart dust…,” one person wrote.
“Who had a Mysterious poisonous fog on their bingo card for 2025? WTF is going on? #Smartdust #Darpa,” a netizen asked.
“The fog people have been seeing. Is called ‘smart dust’ invented by Dr. Pister. In 1997 it’s used to blanket monitor communications or to detect radiation. With over 26m. Illegal immigrants in America. They are sweeping concerns,” another netizen wrote.
“#SmartDust Now they’re just using nanotech and smart dust instead… DARPA neural networks are suspected to have infected the majority of the world’s population… All around the world what you can see isn’t fugg,” a user wrote.
Notably, there is no official confirmation that the latest misty condition has anything to do with Smart Dust or DARPA…What is Smart Dust? DARPA conspiracy theory surrounding abnormal fog enveloping the globe intensifies
Well, there WAS that document “Owning the weather in 2025” that the US Military archives declassified years ago, I’m sure many readers recall…and this IS 2025.
And there’s the other 2025 thing: The infamous Daegel projection that predicted a massive dive in world population by this year. It was taken down right at the time the Georgia Guidestones, with their “commandments” on population limits after some enormous depopulation event wipes out much of humanity, got damaged by unidentified attackers. The monuments being conveniently razed to the ground before further investigation could take place.
Someone covering their tracks?
Some have suggested a link to the recent drone swarms, with some alleged drones being filmed “chemtrailing”.
And of course, there are suggested links to Blue Beam. One theory says it’s the medium for a holographic projection show. I also point out that some variations on the Blue Beam scenario have a precursor to the FF alien attack which involves a third of the world’s population suddenly vanishing. And what better way to make people disappear than in a dense fog?
Theories swirl around, ignited and intensified by the Social media machine. Some mild, some wild.
What a start to the year…

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