China seems to at the epicenter of a viral epidemic again. And there’s nary a whisper of it in the MSM here in NZ. at least not yet. Almost as if they want this to become a pandemic…
I was first alerted to this via a leaked video from an un-named Chinese hospital on New Years eve, thanks to Jennifer Zheng.
As of the time of writing, China has yet to declare any sort of emergency.
Allegedly “not as dangerous as Covid”, Firstpost News (India) asks some perceptive questions.
With governments around the world, including here in NZ quietly prepping, I’d say “watch this space”.
This is 2025.
Remember the Daegel forecast of massive depopulation? Here’s a thought: Millions of people took the mRNA injection. Thus they have immunocompromised systems. Thus this disease, normally no worse than a common cold or mild ‘flu, might find easy targets in those that took the Covid shots.
And of course “there is no vaccine for this”. Watch for the “emergency authorization” as they trot out the next mRNA injection brew. I can hear the cash registers ringing at Pfizer already.
Perhaps there’s nothing to worry about…for those of us who resisted.
Drone invasions, mystery fogs, terror attacks, now the next “plandemic”. And it’s only the start of January. God help us all…