Soros Watch: Controlling the Airwaves, Attacking Trump

Soros is at it again. We all know of the long-in-the-making acquisition of America’s 2nd. largest radio company, but did you know he also funds the Haitian group pushing to send Trump to court over the pet-eating claim? Read on.


Biden-Harris FCC ‘expedites’ Soros acquisition of 2nd largest radio company in U.S. ahead of November election

Law requires that foreign companies may not own more than 25% of U.S. radio stations. In unprecedented move, FCC is colluding with George Soros to bypass the law and take control of 220 stations.

Leo Hohmann

The First Amendment is under attack like never before in American history, with government officials and even media personalities demanding censorship of facts and opinions they don’t like by claiming it is “mis-,” “dis-,” or “mal-information.”

“Mal-information,” by the way, is perhaps the most insidious part of the global censorship narrative being laid down by puppet leaders under the spell of the World Economic Forum and United Nations. This includes the reporting of accurate facts that question and disrupt an official government narrative, whether it be about mRNA injections being “safe and effective,” even when they’re not, pointing out fraudulent election practices or advocating for an end to the bloodbath in Ukraine.

It is in this unprecedented environment that the Harris-Biden administration is having their FCC expedite the sale of 220 radio stations to billionaire globalist George Soros.

Soros is buying a 40% stake in Audacy, which is America’s second-largest radio network totaling more than 220 U.S. stations. The Federal Communications Commission has approved the deal and is in collusion with Soros to help him “expedite” the acquisition right before the presidential election.

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr, appointed by Donald Trump in 2017, recently had this to say about the transaction during a bearing before a House subcommittee:

“The FCC is not following its normal process for reviewing a transaction. We have established, over a number of years, one way in which you can gert approval from the FCC when you have in excess of 25 percent foreign ownership, which this case does, and is poised to create for the first time, an entirely new shortcut. The FCC has never signed off on a shortcut like this before.”

The move to fast-track Soros’ acquisition of a mega-radio company is no coincidence, reports economist Martin Armstrong. He writes:

“The three voting Democrats on the FCC board overpowered the two dissenting Republicans. Law dictates that foreign companies may not own more than 25% of US radio stations. They are not only making an exception for George Soros but helping him to bypass the law.”

READ THE REST: Biden-Harris FCC ‘expedites’ Soros acquisition of 2nd largest radio company in U.S. ahead of November election (

…and from the Daily Caller:

Soros-Backed Haitian Group Wants Trump Arrested Over Pet-Eating Statements

An organization that has received funding from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations is demanding former President Donald Trump be arrested for his comments regarding viral claims that Haitian migrants in Ohio have eaten house pets.

The Haitian Bridge Alliance filed criminal charges on Tuesday against Trump and his presidential running mate, Ohio GOP Sen. J.D. Vance, according to the Cleveland, Ohio-based Chandra Law Firm, which is representing the organization in court. The group is seeking the arrest of both men, accusing them of making false alarms, disrupting public services, telecommunications harassment and aggravated menacing.

The Haitian Bridge Alliance is invoking an Ohio statute that allows private citizens in the state to file criminal charges, according to the law firm.

“The Haitian community is suffering in fear because of Trump and Vance’s relentless, irresponsible, false alarms, and public services have been disrupted,” Subodh Chandra, lead counsel in the lawsuit, said in a press release. “Trump and Vance must be held accountable to the rule of law.”

“Anyone else who wreaked havoc the way they did would have been arrested by now,” Chandra continued.

The Haitian Bridge Alliance was among several Haitian and black migrant-oriented groups that received over $1 million in funding from the Open Society Foundations, according to a November 2021 press release. The Open Society Foundations is bankrolled by billionaire liberal activist George Soros, who has used his fortune over the years for various liberal causes and defeating Republicans at the ballot box.

READ FULL ARTICLE: Soros-Backed Haitian Group Wants Trump Arrested Over Pet-Eating Statements | The Daily Caller


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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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