Go to Truthnews.us and read the comments at the end of this article. They are very thoughful and well written. https://www.truthnews.us/?p=338 TVNZ October 17, 2007 An terrorism expert says he believes the alleged activities of the groups targeted in the raids fall well short of terrorism. International terrorism expert Paul […]

NZCPR Guest Forum (nzcpr.com) Opinion piece by Dr Vincent Gray 20 October 07 IPCC Wins the Nobel Prize of Peace So, I have made it at last! There have been two previous occasions in my life when I was close to a Nobel Prize (thereby hangs a tale), now it […]

(Note 3/4s of the way down: “Sharing of Influenza Viruses and Access to Vaccines and Other Benefits” – who will it benefit?! C.S.) Thursday, 18 October 2007, 6:06 am Press Release: US State Department Amb. John E. Lange Special Representative on Avian and Pandemic Influenza Remarks at Chatham House London, […]

From nzherald.co.nz 5:00AM Saturday October 20, 2007 By Paula Oliver  “War against terrorism” National Party leader John Key last night tried to defend himself over an embarrassing gaffe in which he revealed details of a highly sensitive Security Intelligence Service briefing ahead of this week’s dramatic police raids. The security […]

nzherald.co.nz School students perform a haka at a protest in Whakatane. 2:04PM Friday October 19, 2007 By Juliet Rowan A series of protests against this week’s anti-terror raids have taken place across the country. As many as a thousand people joined a march in Whakatane to complain about children being […]


Bioethics Council Advisory Toi te Taiao: the Bioethics Council will shortly begin working on engaging the public on an issue which touches the lives of many men, women and children: pre-birth testing. Most babies born in New Zealand are tested when they were foetuses during their mother’s pregnancy. Some IVF […]

New 10:37AM Wednesday October 17, 2007 Anti-terror raids For full story go to the nzherald.co.nz The South Pacific Christian Anarchists plan to hold a training skills camp after sweeping for “bugs and insects”. Group spokesman Graham Cameron said the camp is a joke but claimed the Terrorism Suppression Act is […]

Go here for survey: https://www.nzcpr.com/surveyClimate.htm On the topic of climate change, the interview with the lawyer for Mr Stuart Dimmock, the man who took the case against the government for showing ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ in UK schools, David Wratt of the IPCC and Dr Muriel Newman is available at the […]

Updated 4:35PM Tuesday October 16, 2007 From nzherald.co.nz Anti-terror raids An Auckland man arrested as part of nationwide police raids on suspected weapons training camps declared war on New Zealand in communication intercepted by police, a court has been told. Jamie Beattie Lockett, 46, of Takanini, in Manukau City, faces […]
