12 of those comments posted at the Herald site have been against this microchipping, while only 2 have been for it. 5:00AM Thursday May 10, 2007 By Claire Trevett @ nzherald Legislation setting up a “Super Gold Card” for superannuitants will let the cards carry a microchip for easy scanning […]
PM – Thursday, 10 May , 2007 18:30:00 Reporter: Ashley Hall MARK COLVIN: Australia’s leading media companies say they’re facing death by a thousand cuts – cuts to the freedom of the press that is. They say that since September 11, there have been more restrictions on what they can […]
The London Times | May 07, 2007 Sarah-Kate Templeton HAVING large families should be frowned upon as an environmental misdemeanour in the same way as frequent long-haul flights, driving a big car and failing to reuse plastic bags, says a report to be published today by a green think tank. […]
Business & Media Institute | May 07, 2007 Dan Gainor Apparently, saving the whales is more important than saving 5.5 billion people. Paul Watson, founder and president of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and famous for militant intervention to stop whalers, now warns mankind is “acting like a virus” and […]
The Ministry of Health has posted General Instructions for Exercise Cruickshank, for so-called “epidemic” preparedness at the link at the end of this post. It mentions that planning and intelligence staff will be liasing with the WHO and the flow diagram on page 4 includes a box with “Exercise Injects,” […]
Public lecture by David Holmgren Speaks at the University of Auckland Room: Clocktower Lecture Theatre 105-039 (see map below). 6.30 – 9pm Friday 4 May 2007 $ 15.00 non- student $ 10.00 student Can A Permaculture Makeover save the Suburbs? Co-originator of the permaculture concept. One of Australia’s leading environmental […]
Link to source Nzherald.co.nz 23rd April 2007 By Fran O’Sullivan Surprise, surprise -John Key is pushing for a shared currency with Australia. Should we have a shared currency with Australia? Half of New Zealanders want a common trans-tasman currency, says a poll issued last night in Australia. The UMR […]
Local authorities were told to take no action to pursue killer Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Friday, April 20, 2007 Police and EMT workers at Virginia Tech tell us that campus police were given a federal order to stand down and not pursue killer Cho Seung-Hui as Monday’s bloodshed unfolded. […]
Kurt Nimmo Friday April 20, 2007 As “News Commentary” on the Truthseeker website notes, Virginia Tech is an “active partner” with DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. In addition, the CIA actively recruits VT students, holding events the spook agency bills as “career information” sessions. “News Commentary” claims “Blacksburg, […]
European globalists no longer even pretend the people will have a say Steve Watson Infowars.net Wednesday, April 18, 2007 In a telling U-turn British Prime Minister Tony Blair has stated that the EU no longer needs a constitution and should instead “opt for a less ambitious new treaty that would […]