“I’m not the creator of this video ~ but I had to post it.” [youtube]TvCRRlcaykg[/youtube]


[youtube]RPo1l292P1E[/youtube] In this startling new memoir, Sibel Edmonds —the most classified woman in U.S. history— takes us on a surreal journey that begins with the secretive FBI and down the dark halls of a feckless Congress to a stonewalling judiciary and finally, to the national security whistleblowers movement she spearheaded. […]

In a rare public appearance, The Obama Administration’s Information Czar Cass Sunstein gave a lecture at the NYU Law School in NYC yesterday, prompting Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange to attend. Watch as Luke confronts Sunstein multiple times on an academic paper he co-authored back in 2008 entitled “Conspiracy Theories” in […]
