In 2011 when Muhammar Qaddafi refused to leave quietly as ruler of Libya, the Obama Administration, hiding behind the skirts of the French, launched a ferocious bombing campaign and a “No Fly” zone over the country to aid the so-called fighters for democracy. The US lied to Russia and China […]


Israeli forces have attacked a Palestinian village north of the Jordan Valley for the fourth time since September, leaving some 100 residents without shelter, Press TV reports. Israeli bulldozers backed by military jeeps entered the village of Makhool in the early hours of Thursday morning and evacuated the residents before […]


Four Israelis were arrested in Guinea last Wednesday on charges of planning a coup to overthrow Guinean President Alpha Condé, the French newspaper Le Canard Enchaîné reported. According to the intelligence files dated September 13 and quoted by the French newspaper, the mercenaries aimed to provoke the Guinean police and […]


Had enough of the secrecy of the TPPA negotiations? So have a number of prominent Kiwi actors, musicians and commentators. They have made a video that airs on TVNZ Breakfast and TV3 Firstline on Tuesday 1 October calling for the government to release the TPPA text – and urging you to sign the petition to the PM now. View the video […]
