[ yeah sorry guys … … and we’re all really really especially sorry to all those select few 11 million something North Americans who were all secretly gagging for our Gisbourne-first apocalypse all day yesterday 🙁 -not- cool. ] Article


The history of Europe is one of successive collapsed empires. Some, such as the Roman, Holy Roman, Ottoman, and Austro-Hungarian empires, simply overextended themselves and collapsed due to nationalist uprisings coupled with domestic political and economic inertia. [youtube]PhgEOLNRJZE[/youtube] Others, like the German Nazi, Soviet, Italian fascist, Napoleonic French, Spanish, and […]


[ Instead – it continues to expand – thereby continuously perpetuating the conflict ] Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday that U.S. President Barack Obama’s vision of a Palestinian state on the borders of 1967 could leave the Jewish state “indefensible.” “The viability of a Palestinian state cannot come […]
