Current massive media misrepresentations, profiteering on risky and valueless vaccines, gross neglect of data evidencing earlier similar man-made plagues including SARS, West Nile Virus, AIDS and more; continuance of genetic studies breeding more mutant flu viruses likely to outbreak, inside trading scandals involving pandemic savvy White House and drug industry […]


For video of soulless brainwashed murdering -fucks- go here : For mugshots of soulless brainwashed murdering -fucks- go here :


When:  11:00 a.m. Friday, February 19th, 2010 Where: State Capitol Rotunda (first floor), 2 East Main Street, Madison, WI 53703 Who:  Dave Redick (engineer), Tom Spellman (architect), Dr. Kevin Barrett (author and radio host) Live stream feed of national press conference: Via webinar at (at 1 p.m. Central Time) […]

Last year, two Detroit tavern owners were sitting at the bar, sampling their beverages and bemoaning the local economy – no one in the city had cash, and when they did, they spent it in the suburbs. Then the pair hit on a solution : Print their own money. [  […]
