America: Freedom to Fascism Filmmaker Aaron Russo has exposed first-hand knowledge of the elite global agenda during a video interview and live on Alex Jones’ nationally-syndicated radio show. Nick Rockefeller told Russo about the plan to microchip the population, warned him about ‘an event that would allow us to […]

New Orleans is important for so many reasons… Not least of which is that it has become Ground Zero for a corrupt federal government that intimidates and silences engineers and scientists who won’t tow the party line. We will be following this story very closely because when science and engineering […]


Deliberate Attacks against the Civilian Population Factual Findings narrated by Ross Vachon Factual and Legal findings narrated by Noam Chomsky Live Testimonies relevant to the Goldstone Report’s Findings The video also contains live testimonies of Khalid, Kawthar and Samar Abd Rabbo before the UN Fact Finding Mission headed by Justice […]


Robin Hood Tax Video @ Yahoo! Video The Robin Hood Tax campaign launches today, supported by the TUC and dozens of other charities, faith groups and community organisations. The campaign is calling on the leaders of the UK’s political parties to support a global tax on the banks to help […]
