A Russian documentary about foreign policy – with English subtitles. This will never be shown in western mainstream media. Ever. [youtube]Df7ChXQrZnE[/youtube] Part II will be ready at the uploaders channel sometime in the next couple of days

The Kim Dotcom saga has certainly put the NZ Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) and its Waihopai spy base smack bang into the glare of the spotlight. Not coincidentally this is happening in the same year that the Government has got New Zealand back into ANZUS in all but name.


“It [WTC 2] started exploding,” said Ross Milanytch, 57, who works at nearby Chase Manhattan Bank. “It was about the 70th floor. And each second another floor exploded out for about eight floors,


This is the cover-up of all time. Show this to your doctor! Or if you are a doctor reading this, show it to yourself. – Jon Eisen VaccineGate: 30 years of Secret Meetings, Conflict of Interests, Dubious Science link

Syria’s president has outlined a plan to end the country’s conflict, starting with a halt to international support to “al-Qaeda-linked terrorist groups.”   The solution proposes a new constitution and government, as well as national reconciliation READ MORE https://on.rt.com/y4kq0t [youtube]YF7ya6Xngv8[/youtube]

Approximately every 80 minutes, a US military veteran commits suicide in the United States for Iraq and Afghanistan, the numbers of veterans lost to suicide now outstrips casualty lists of those killed in action. [ The title of this post is also now true in Israel, too.  ] Article  
