Depleted uranium is considered a weapon of mass destruction and is banned for use in warfare by international law, yet the US and Israel use it routinely. [youtube]pg2NHfoC2pc[/youtube] The US military has used thousands of tons of depleted uranium in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Kuwait and Iraq sickening civilians and its own […]

[ Music from and inspired by the film of the book by Tama Janowitz ] [youtube]BFs1cRxEQQc[/youtube] [youtube]LRO-N-AE4GQ[/youtube] [youtube]ilaqzUI3vN8[/youtube] [youtube]8wpf-A54E0c[/youtube] [youtube]lgo3Hb5vWLE[/youtube] [youtube]kE2oSRFbEAQ[/youtube] [youtube]cK6WzoPVAXA[/youtube] [youtube]QuoUIc6PefY[/youtube]
