Icelanders delivering their “request” for a referendum to the president [ … nice … ] Across the dominion of the corporate-financiers on Wall Street and in the city of London, the reckless Ponzi schemes destroying the West’s economy and plunging it into an economic depression have left politicians, the bought-and-paid-for […]


Since we’ve all suddenly just like ‘Rejoined ANZUS’ or something ~ this may be worth a quick review. Part I of V Seventeen independent commentators discuss defence issues and present informed opinions on the future security of New Zealand. The commentators are authors, historians, retired diplomats, broadcasters, scientists, journalists, newspaper […]


  The final versions of some international trailers for some eagerly awaited & well-assembled cinema treats soon to be seen splashing themselves all over our cinema screens in the very near future are finally ready.   Enjoy.   [youtube]g8evyE9TuYk[/youtube] [youtube]P0xVp3N-M84[/youtube] [youtube]gCryADcgWCQ[/youtube] [youtube]yruArw21EGA[/youtube] [youtube]7N8wkVA4_8s[/youtube]  
