UNCENSORED VACCINE UPDATE: URGENT! PLEASE DISTRIBUTE WIDELY The plot sickens … It grows increasingly obvious that the vaccines are there to kill and maim us while being pushed as a “protection” as a smokescreen. https://blogs.healthfreedomalliance.org/blog/2009/09/15/nano-particles-used-in-untested-h1n1-swine-flu-vaccines/ But wait. There’s more: Now the US Army is working with police agencies to enforce […]
https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=156034 Law enforcement and military personnel are training to set up checkpoints in order to catch people who refuse to take the swine flu vaccination according to whistle blowers, while health authorities are laying the groundwork for a mass vaccination campaign by warning that serious and potentially deadly health problems […]
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/6178045/Two-thousand-schoolgirls-suffer-suspected-ill-effects-from-cervical-cancer-vaccine.html Thousands of schoolgirls have suffered suspected adverse reactions to a controversial cervical cancer vaccine introduced by the Government. By Laura Donnelly, Health Correspondent Published: 9:00PM BST 12 Sep 2009 Doctors’ reports show that girls of 12 and 13 have experienced convulsions, fever and paralysis after being given the vaccine, […]
Perhaps one of the reasons there is so little testing is because the authorities know how dangerous this vaccine is: https://adventuresinautism.blogspot.com/2009/09/swine-flu-vaccination-injured-subject.html
And the NZ Govt still has a contract with this company to supply 300,000 doses of the “Swine Flu” vaccine! https://www.legitgov.org/baxter_flu_vaccine_260409.html
[youtube]PelTWCUmTsU[/youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PelTWCUmTsU
THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENT. https://rense.com/general87/protest.htm
Part II: “It’s the Vaccine, Stupid!” by F. William Engdahl . Global Research, September 8, 2009 – 2009-09-05 It is not any alleged “Swine Flu” or H1N1 “virus” that is the danger to the lives of our loved ones, our children, our pregnant mothers. We are being literally panicked by […]