Financial Times Editorial Admits Agenda For Dictatorial World Government Paul Joseph Watson Prison Tuesday, December 9, 2008 The Financial Times, one of the most respected and widely read newspapers on the planet, features an editorial today that openly admits the agenda to create a world government based on anti-democratic […]
The Election Of The Greatest Con-Man In Recent History By James Petras 12-8-8 “I have a vision of Americans in their 80’s being wheeled to their offices and factories having lost their legs in imperial wars and their pensions to Wall Street speculators and with bitter memories of voting for […]
Chemtrail interview with 2WAYFM Part 1 [youtube]VIHMNOPuOvM&feature=related[/youtube] Part 2 [youtube]FRwEzo4vTM4&feature=related[/youtube] Part 3 [youtube]AiZPM4wblvU&feature=related[/youtube] Part 4 [youtube]EC6nAfAvxs8&feature=related[/youtube] Part 5 [youtube]5mOICwKd5Ww&feature=related[/youtube] By Patrick Wood, Editor December 9, 2008 [Editor’s note: members of the Trilateral Commission and companies with Commission representation appear in bold type.] Since 1973, this writer has made inquiry as to the location and ownership of the vast stores of monetary gold (400 oz., .999 pure bars) in […]
*** URGENT *** NEW “AMERO” PAPER CURRENCY EXPOSED! North Bergen, NJ — To the chagrin of the government, I have obtained new “AMERO” paper currency notes! You know, the “AMERO” . . . . the new currency that is going to replace the US Dollar, The Canadian Dollar and the […]
Connecting the Dots: The War of Terror and Zionism take the Lead As the world falls asleep under the spell of Obama’s supposed change, the Zionists sneak onto his staff roster and take the opportunity to siege Gaza. With astoundingly accurate timing, India gets its own shocking 9/11 and the […] BY JOE GOULD, CLARE TRAPASSO and RICH SCHAPIRO DAILY NEWS WRITERS A Wal-Mart worker died early Friday after an “out-of-control” mob of frenzied shoppers smashed through the Long Island store’s front doors and trampled him, police said. The Black Friday stampede plunged the Valley Stream outlet into chaos, knocking […]
Good thing that we’re being protected from all those arabs. Now who is going to protect us from our protectors?,25642,24709180-5014239,00.html Arthur Silber 31 August 2008 At the opening of, “Psst — While You Were Gibbering, the Ruling Class Rigged the Game and Won Everything,” I discussed the overwhelming number of lies told on every subject of importance in America today and the ease, indeed the enthusiasm, with which most […]