The Financial Tsunami: The Next Big Wave is Breaking Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and US Mortgage Debt By F. William Engdah The announcement by US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson together with Federal Reserve chief Bernanke, that the US Government will bailout the two largest guarantors of housing mortgage debt—the […]


Challenging the basis of Kyoto Protocol The Hindu, 16 July 2008 Vladimir Radyuhin Russian scientists deny that the Kyoto Protocol reflects a consensus view of the world scientific community. As western nations step up pressure on India and China to curb the emission of greenhouse gases, Russian scientists reject […] July 12, 2008 Murder of Dignity By Mark Sashine Prelude, 2008. There  are cities you love at the first sight. Venice comes to mind, Paris or St. Petersburg. And there are cities which you have never seen but  you love them as a legend. For me it  was New […]

Subject: Michael Horn and Dr Jack Sarfatti in separate UFO-related interviews. —————————————— PARANORMAL ORB VIDEOS … ARE THEY “GHOSTS” or SPIRITUAL LIGHT BEINGS? or ……. YOU DECIDE. —————————————— A CONVERSATION WITH THEORETICAL PHYSICIST Dr JACK SARFATTI ABOUT RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN EXOTIC PROPULSION PHYSICS and TECHNOLOGY WITH SOME PERIPHERAL […] The next time your children get cavities, they might get tooth regeneration instead of fillings. That’s because materials scientists are beginning to find just the right solutions of chemicals to rebuild decayed teeth, rather than merely patching their holes. Enamel and dentin, the materials that make teeth the strongest […]

11 By Timothy Alexander 7-6-8 As the global bankers’ plan to bring down the American and world’s economy continues (so that they can acquire as much of our wealth as possible at ‘fire sale’ prices ~ an old strategy), the world is facing another much worse danger. A regional war […] Sam Mathid Jul 3, 2008 There is a game of ‘Pass the Parcel’ happening in the world at the moment. The ‘parcel’ is filled with U.S. dollars. Just like little children at a birthday party, the governments who are holding vast reserves in the form of US paper dollars, […]


That there’s something strange, mysterious, contradictory, absurd, about his refusal to see that anybody other than Lee Harvey Oswald might have killed JFK, his refusal to become involved in looking into, whatsoever, the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy and Malcolm X, and then, of course, although […]
