By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS What was the greatest failure of 2007? President Bush’s “surge” in Iraq? The decline in the value of the US dollar? Subprime mortgages? No. The greatest failure of 2007 was the newly sworn in Democratic Congress. The American people’s attempt in November 2006 to rein […]

By Cornelia Read There’s a topic I’ve wanted to blog about here for a long time, but it’s pretty heavy stuff–not exactly the bright and breezy fare most people want to skim through online while sipping their morning beverage of choice. Over the last year or so, every time I […] A new BBC documentary supports the conclusion that the CIA planned and executed the assassination of Robert Kennedy. The new video and photographic evidence — the result of a three year long investigation –“puts three senior CIA operatives” at the scene of the murder. Three of these men have […]

https://www.chris- content/view/ 1463/135/ By Chris Floyd 3-30-8 Last Friday, Dick Cheney was in Saudi Arabia for high-level meetings with the Saudi king and his ministers. On Saturday, it was revealed that the Saudi Shura Council — the elite group that implements the decisions of the autocratic inner circle — […]


Source: Video: Video: Antarctic Ice Shelf Disintegration North vs. South Poles: 10 Wild Differences Images: Ice of the Antarctic A vast ice shelf hanging on by a thin strip looks to be the next chunk to break off from the Antarctic Peninsula, the latest sign of global warming’s […]

Source: GREG BARNS March 24, 2008 12:00am WHICH country’s interests are best served by an uprising in Tibet on the eve of the Beijing Olympics? The USA’s, of course. The Bush administration has long been frightened of China’s burgeoning rival superpower status, and US stoking of the Tibetan fires […]

by Paul Craig Roberts In the recently published thriller, The Shell Game, Steve Alten weaves a tale of a neoconservative plot to attack Iran. To overcome resistance, a black op group associated with a Republican administration arranges for nuclear devices to be exploded in two American cities, with planted evidence […]
