From: Jenny My father worked in a coal mine when he was 12 (breaker boy). He told me that the miners would take a caged canary into the mines for safety and hang it on a peg near where they were working. Canaries have a lower tolerance of gas pollutants […]


USS Enterprise? New 9/11 target “Boldly Going” to be in the Persian Gulf? Ian Brockwell July 19, 2007 It was suggested a year ago, that the USS Enterprise was a likely “false flag” target to provide the Bush administration with an excuse to attack Iran. The ship’s last spell […]


Sue Kedgley MP, Green Party Health Spokesperson 16th July 2007 The announcement by Annette King today that the Therapeutic Products and Medicines bill is on hold is a victory for consumers and for democracy, and a major defeat for the Government, Green MP Sue Kedgley said today.

3 There are many watchdogs in New Zealand, Some groups are large others are small , not all groups agree with every aspect of each others issues but we all have a common cause- WE DEFEND THE RIGHTS WHICH UNDEFENDED WILL BE LOST FOREVER.


This is part of an email, the first part is everything we already know, but I found this part interesting so I just copied this part, especially as the citizens of the US are being primed once again for another 9/11,. Angela Great points, but you forgot the biggest one, […]


Fluoride Action Network Calls For A Moratorium FLUORIDE ACTION NETWORK (NZ) FLUORIDE ACTION NETWORK (Global) “The presence of sodium fluoride in drinking water at the level of 2 ppm may cause mottled enamel in teeth, skeletal fluorosis, and may be associated with cancer and other diseases.” […]


It would be a bonanza, but for two small details. Of all the countless examples of monumental Government stupidity we have to choose from, this one bugs me almost more than anything else, hence I am Cc’ing this reply far and wide. The first small detail is that the New […]


sundayherald PARENTS OF autistic children are planning a demonstration in support of the doctor at the centre of the MMR controversy, when he is summoned for a disciplinary hearing next month. The Sunday Herald has learned that Dr Andrew Wakefield – who first suggested a link between the triple jab […]

New resource available for professionals investigating the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers “Most professionals haven’t actually read the official reports, nor have they read the evidence for demolition… And most haven’t really looked at the evidence for demolition because it’s been smeared as a ‘conspiracy theory’…Everyone has some […]

1 A new documentary film has been released that’s a direct response to the BBC’s “Conspiracy Files” program that aired on 18th February 2007. Following the BBC’s pathetic attempt at debunking the 911 truth movement, this powerful film utterly debunks the program’s methods and “impartiality” — the bedrock upon which […]
