(March 04, 2007 — 03:18 PM EDT) I must admit that the case of David Hicks, the Australian held at Guantanamo, has been off my radar lately, and it shouldn’t be. It’s a national embarrassment. Here’s the latest. Hicks this week became the first person charged under the new […]


Some things you need to know before the world ends March 5, 2007 by William Blum Flash! This just in! The Cold War was not a struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union. It was a struggle between the United States and the Third World. What there was, […]

Newsflash Marc Perkel, the founder of the Church of Reality is now listed on the American TSA list as a terrorist suspect. The TSA (US Transportation Security Administration) maintains a “selectee list” which lists people who are flagged for heightened security screening. This list, which has not caught a single […]

Media Blacklists BBC Fiasco; Google, Digg Censor 9/11 Truth News 24 ‘timestamp’ video disappears from Google Video, despite the fact it’s under 30 seconds in length and clearly constitutes fair use, Digg lets small minority of morons decide its content Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Thursday, March 1, 2007 […]

Australia: the new 51st state By John Pilger 02/01/07 “ICH” John Howard’s servility to the US is even greater than Tony Blair’s and has earned him the nickname Bush’s deputy sheriff. The conspiracy between Washington, the media and politicians is eroding the country’s freedoms In June this year, 26,000 US […]

A number of U.S. military leaders, reportedly including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, have waged an extraordinary behind-the-scenes resistance to what they fear is a secret plan by George W. Bush to wage war against Iran. One intelligence source told me that Joint Chiefs chairman, Gen. Peter […]


US Military Attempt Arrest of Vice President Cheney, 3 Reported Dead by Sorcha Faal February 25th 2007 Russian FSB sources are reporting today that an attempt by Special Forces Troops of the United States Military to arrest the American Vice President Cheney shortly after boarding his official plane in Australia […]

By Byron J. Richards, CCN February 21, 2007 On February 13, 2007 the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations opened hearings lambasting the FDA regarding the safety of drugs. The opening statement by Chairman John Dingell (D-MI) set the tone, “It is clear … that […]


Insider’s View of 911 Plot Here is an astonishing set of statements by 40 political and military leaders, the 911 Commission, and members of the intelligence community, all stating unequivocally that the truth about 911 was covered up, and many saying it was most definitely an inside job by the […]

1 ABC 3 March 2006 Somebody is trying to provoke a civil war in Iraq By Robert Fisk & Tony Jones Tony Jones: Well, Robert Fisk is one of the most experienced observers of the Middle East and in his latest book, ‘The Great War for Civilisation – the Conquest […]
