terrorizethis.org Nations who still practice it “should feel ashamed of themselves” On October 4, 2005, two members of the Fluoride Action Network — Michael Connett and Chris Neurath — traveled to Gothenburg, Sweden, to interview Dr. Arvid Carlsson, a famed pharmacologist at Gothenburg University and recent winner of the Nobel […]

George W. Bush has purged senior military and intelligence officials who were obstacles to a wider war in the Middle East, broadening his options for both escalating the conflict inside Iraq and expanding the fighting to Iran and Syria with Israel’s help. On Jan. 4, Bush ousted the top two […]

Dear friends, Project Censored specializes in covering the top news stories which were either ignored or downplayed by the mainstream media each year. Project Censored is a research team composed of more than 200 university faculty, students, and community experts who review about 1,000 news story submissions for coverage, content, […]

https://www.rense.com/general74/cchom.htm Chomsky: It Doesn’t Matter Even If There Was A Conspiracy Behind 911 By Jeffrey Blankfort jablankfort@earthlink.net 12-26-6 I don’t usually send videos to my list but this short clip of Noam Chomsky being interviewed re 9-11 is very revealing in which he says, referring to what critics of the official […]

https://thinkprogress.org/2006/12/15/nyt-cia-oped Middle East analyst Flynt Leverett, who served under President Bush on the National Security Council and is now a fellow at the New America Foundation, revealed today that the White House has been blocking the publication of an op-ed he wrote for the New York Times. The column is […]

16.12.2006 / 13:38 Mishap in dismantling nuclear warhead https://www.inform.kz/showarticle.php?lang=eng&id=147058 AUSTIN. December 16. (UPI) – A watchdog group charges a nuclear warhead nearly exploded in Texas when it was being dismantled at the government’s Pantex facility near Amarillo. The Project on Government Oversight says it has been told by knowledgeable experts […]

Please simply use below submission by writing your name address a phone number at the bottom and send to…. submissions@ermanz.govt.nz. MUST BE DONE TODAY. Many thank TO ERMA. SUBMISSION TO OPPOSE APPLICATION GMF06001. Why I oppose application GMF06001 for Fields trial of GE broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and kale. The trials […]
