Dear Ecoversitians, here is a copy of what was sent to the Federated Farmers this week, who will be presenting our petition with theirs on June 20th.    I encourage anyone in their area to set up a petition and do the same thing, as the Green Party will be challenging […] By Paul Stokes 06-13-06 Staff at a government agency office have been reported leaping naked from filing cabinets and carrying out stomach-churning pranks. Civil servants are said to have had sex in the lavatories, taken drugs, used foul language, brawled in the reception area and held break-dancing contests in […]

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Source: Komsomolskaya Pravda, April 23, 2006 I might add it takes approximately 2 minutes of speaking on a cellular phone for the radiation to cross the protective Blood Brain Barrier. So whenever there is a landline available, use it in preference to your cell. Nothing evokes such a strange mixture of fear and curiosity, or forces us to confront our own mortality, more than human skulls. When skulls are discovered that are physically very different from how we expect human skulls to look – often unique in their shape, structure and bone composition […]


URGENT Please distribute widely Bills Digest No 1363: Law Reform (Epidemic Preparedness) Download link to PDF of the bill:  Seems pretty urgent to me. The bill is supposed to pass August…it is no less than marshal law in disguise…all in the guise of dealing with the event of a […]

By Haroon Siddiqui Asheville Global Report No. 386 June 8-14, 2006 Jun. 1- Gunter Grass, celebrated German novelist, playwright, poet, essayist, sculptor and commentator, is a living legend. When this Nobel Laureate speaks, people listen. Two research teams in England and Venezuela have discovered something alarming about the new genetically modified crops filled with insecticide. The insects not only eat them, they seem to thrive on them.
