Ah, religion. Sort of brings people together. Kind of speaks for itself … FROM: Deuteronomy 20:10-20 20:10 When you come to a city to fight against it, then first proclaim peace toward it. 20:11 If it answers for peace, and opens its gates to you, then all the people found […]
What Would Jesus Do? By Remi Kanazi 02/04/06 informationclearinghouse.info Picture this: A cartoon of Jesus, with his pants down, smiling, raping a little boy. The caption above it reads “Got Catholicism?” Or how about a picture of a Rabbi with blood dripping from his mouth after bludgeoning a small Palestinian […]
Date: 12/23/05 Author: Paul Connett, PhD Source: Crusador By Paul Connett, PhD 1. Fluoride is not an essential nutrient. No disease has ever been linked to a fluoride deficiency. Humans can have perfectly good teeth without fluoride. 2. Fluoridation is not necessary. Most Western European countries are not fluoridated and […]
arcticbeacon.com Texas City British Petroleum Employee Heard “Strange Abort Signal” on Local Radio Station The Morning Army Intel Officer Predicted Nuclear Strike At Plant. BP employee also said “other strange events” occured, leaving her “nervous and on edge.” Galveston Daily News follows up with story, finding WMD military support team […]
US Troops Shoot at Canadian Diplomats 01 Feb 2006 American troops reportedly opened fire on a car carrying Canadian diplomats in Baghdad on Tuesday. The vehicle was carrying the Canadian charge d’affaires in Iraq. U.S. forces fire on Canadian vehicle in Iraq 31 Jan 2006 A vehicle carrying four members […]
Fox follows Bush’s lead, renames domestic spying program as “terrorist surveillance program” https://mediamatters.org/items/200601310002 Not long after the Bush administration adopted new rhetoric to describe its warrantless domestic surveillance program, Fox News reporters and anchors began using the White House’s terminology, referring to it as a “terrorist surveillance program.” Beginning on […]
The Oil Sands Of Alberta January 22 , 2006, CBS https://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/01/20/60minutes/main1225184.shtml There’s an oil boom going on right now. Not in Saudi Arabia or Kuwait or any of those places, but…in Alberta, Canada. The oilmen up there are…digging up dirt — dirt that is saturated with oil. They’re called oil […]
Walker’s World: Iran’s Really Big Weapon By Martin Walker, UPI Editor Washington (UPI) Jan 18, 2006 The prospect of a mushroom cloud rising from the Dasht-e-Lut, Iran’s Desert of Stones, may not be Tehran’s greatest threat to international stability. A successful test of an Iranian nuclear weapon at some point […]
Note: This story has just been filed from Arctic Beacon, a reputable site in the US. While the story is as yet unconfirmed, there is ample evidence of Bush/Cheney 9/11 complicity and the US march to martial law to convince this editor that the facts in the story could well […]
Whaling is not just the concern of governments and obscure political meetings. There is big business involved. You might be surprised to learn of some of the popular seafood companies’ connections to commercial whaling. We’re asking you to help stop commercial whaling by putting pressure on these companies to end […]