Independent Investigation Into Pentagon Attack Yields Alarming Information Witness flight path vs official flight path Researchers present new eyewitness testimony which they say proves the government’s story to be a “monstrous lie” [youtube]j5FhQc-LJ-o[/youtube] A three year independent investigation into the September 11, 2001 attack on the Pentagon has yielded new […]

Dan Oakes and Dylan Welch June 29, 2010 – 3:00AM A FORMER Australian ambassador to Israel has accused Prime Minister Julia Gillard of being silent on the “excesses” of Israel, and has questioned why her partner has been given a job by a prominent Israel lobbyist. In a letter to […]

Controlled media blackout underway as Gulf oil spill crisis ensues June 25, 2010 From staged press events and photo shoots to private security forces, the controlled media’s engine is revving into overdrive. The Intel Hub has confirmed reports that there has been staged press meetings and staged photo/video shoots in […]

Source: sott.net The issue of methane and outgassing has occupied me to quite some extent for the past few years particularly after writing New Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection. I even asked theSOTT.net editors to keep their eyes open for news items about anything that might be related […]
