Source: BY JAMES GORDON MEEK, THOMAS M. DeFRANK and KENNETH R. BAZINET DAILY NEWS WASHINGTON BUREAU October 18, 2005 WASHINGTON – A special prosecutor’s intensifying focus into who outed a CIA spy has raised questions whether Vice President Cheney himself is involved, knowledgeable sources confirmed yesterday. By Chris Floyd 10/20/05 “Moscow Times” — — Having railed at the wanton criminality of the Bush faction for so long, this column naturally partakes of the general glee arising from the looming possibility of genuine, grade-A grand jury indictments for some of the gang’s top thugs.
Source: The CIA leak case isn’t just about whether top officials will be indicted. A larger issue is what Judith Miller’s evidence says about White House manipulation of the media By Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball
Source: By Edward Alden in Washington 10/20/05 “FT” — — Vice-President Dick Cheney and a handful of others had hijacked the government’s foreign policy apparatus, deciding in secret to carry out policies that had left the US weaker and more isolated in the world, the top aide to former […]
Source: The Guardian · Judge calls for extradition of men who served in Iraq ·Journalist died in press hotel hit by tank shell Giles Tremlett in Madrid Thursday October 20, 2005 The Guardian A Spanish judge issued international arrest warrants yesterday for three US soldiers who face being put on […]
This is the best and most comprehensive site I’ve seen re: chemtrails, weather modification technologies. Lots of top minds…in particular, Sister Rosalie Bertell, Ph.D.
Editor’s Note: This story has the ring of authenticity, at least to my ears, and it dovetails with hundreds of other stories that have already been proven factual. It also raises the question (again) of the pervasive spectre of politicians making laws and policy under the threat of blackmail. So […]
Source: Orion September | October 2005 Fire in the South If you want to see what democracy could be, look to Latin America By Rebecca Solnit The most exhilarating and the most promising things going on at this particular moment in history have hardly made news in the USA, […]
A Government openly promoting torture, A President acting like a King cannot be trusted, must be impeached Source: | October 19 2005 Ray McGovern, former CIA Analyst during the Regan and Bush 41 regimes, joined Alex Jones on his daily radio show Monday 17th October as part of […]