Source: The CIA leak case isn’t just about whether top officials will be indicted. A larger issue is what Judith Miller’s evidence says about White House manipulation of the media By Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball

Source: By Edward Alden in Washington 10/20/05 “FT” — — Vice-President Dick Cheney and a handful of others had hijacked the government’s foreign policy apparatus, deciding in secret to carry out policies that had left the US weaker and more isolated in the world, the top aide to former […]

Source: The Guardian · Judge calls for extradition of men who served in Iraq ·Journalist died in press hotel hit by tank shell Giles Tremlett in Madrid Thursday October 20, 2005 The Guardian A Spanish judge issued international arrest warrants yesterday for three US soldiers who face being put on […]

Source: Orion September | October 2005 Fire in the South If you want to see what democracy could be, look to Latin America By Rebecca Solnit The most exhilarating and the most promising things going on at this particular moment in history have hardly made news in the USA, […]

9/11: Cold Case A former Bush-appointed official is calling for a new, independent, scientific investigation into 9/11 By Daniel Boniface ( “[Morgan Reynolds] thinks the collapse of the World Trade Center, the crash of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Penn., and the attack on the Pentagon were all weaved together as […]
