The plot to let the lunatics run the asylum by Martin Harris The Useful Idiots have been manipulated into a position where they have shot themselves in the foot. Useful Idiots are still idiots regardless of who puts them to use. Now their usefulness is almost at an end and […]
Russia moving on saturday (12/2/2022) to stand off Ireland, is a genuine issue. It dramatically shortens the already astonishing and unique missile flight time to continental America; the purpose. Over six kilometers a second, flat on the water line. Totally undetectable, in every regard. Russia has a first strike policy […]
If you’ve been vaccinated and still feel mortally threatened by the virus, please read this. John TierneyCity JournalSun, 06 Feb 2022 It’s obviously not easy to give up fear of Covid-19, to judge from a recent survey showing that the vaccinated are actually more frightened than the unvaccinated. Another survey found that most Democratic […]
This is THEFT, pure and simple. How can they “remain a trusted platform” when they misappropriate funds donated on TRUST that they will go where the donator intends? MH GoFundMe says it won’t be giving the C$10 million ($8 million USD) raised to support the truckers protesting COVID-19 mandates to […]
Teaser of the “must watch” upcoming documentary on the rigged 2020 US elections. EXPLOSIVE New Surveillance Footage of Ballot Drop Boxes ( Rumble — Watch the new teaser of my upcoming film, “2000 Mules,” and go to to sign up for movie updates.
The Narrative continues to crumble as the Biden-China connections come back under scrutiny! Emma-Jo Morris, Matthew BoyleBreitbartSun, 30 Jan 2022 A criminal IRS investigation into Hunter Biden — President Biden’s son — appears to have convened a grand jury as far back as May 2019, a confidential subpoena served to JPMorgan Chase bank […]
With Brian Tamaki “free” (under extensive curfew limitations) the focus is back on the large scale events, so it’s ‘game on’ with the country-wide protests. Details will follow as soon as FARC make them available, but here’s the preliminary: Those who subscribe to Facebook can keep in touch with FARC […]
As the Western Military-Industrial complex rubs it’s hands with glee, and Russia provokes them with equal glee, here’s what the Ukrainian Defense minister says.. TassMon, 24 Jan 2022 Alexey Reznikov said that a scenario of a Russian attack in the near future was also unlikely Ukrainian Defense Minister Alexey Reznikov […]
Watch for mention of the name Gates! Now there’s a coincidence for you. Take a look and do your research. Martin Thanks to Jon Eisen for the heads-up on this presentation. TheTruthHunter Watch at Bitchute: The Truth Regarding The 1918 Spanish Flu & The Link To Today (
“I looked into the street and saw fires burning in the street, as it is through the whole city by the Lord Mayor’s order.” The fires were thought to have a purifying effect on the air quality, and thus many thought they would rid the city of the plague — Plague […]