Modern banking is not a science. It is a religion, simply a set of arbitrary rules and assumptions that favor the masters of that belief system, which we are brain washed in school to think is something tangible and real. We have outgrown Rule by Divine Right and recognize slavery […]
Corporate Corruption
Colin Powell’s former Chief of Staff explains how military policy and big business interests – are directly linked. [ … and about how all that ‘Bringing Peace, Justice and Democracy’ jazz – is just a big load of hooey ] [youtube]pscUctTU0sE[/youtube]
I have to wonder how much longer this fraudulent scam must go on .. the government of the day and in exchange for a backhander sells off at bargain basement prices essential public utilities to shadowy figures who then proceed to give everyone a right royal screwing and continue to […]
In the years since the first post-9/11 invasion, “real” reasons have abounded regarding the various countries provided with “democracy” by the United States. These reasons include vast oil reserves, oil pipelines, opium fields, strategic positioning, no-bid contracts for the defense industry and military-industrial complex, and mineral deposits. All of these […]
The following is an excerpt which asks some quite straight forward questions one that asks John Key a pointed question .. and one that asks that paragon of all virtues Banksy a pointed question .. a dip into Company records may be revealing .. but whichever way one views […]
A Notre Dame football star, an aerospace engineering senior at Iowa State, an attractive high school graduate, a young patriot, and an Olympic shooting champion all were recruited by the CIA at a young age. These five brave individuals risk retaliation in revealing the story of their gradual disillusionment and […]
[ Here’s some guy with a solution or something. The other five parts are available at clip source – click on that poohtube logo at lower screen right. ] [youtube]Q3p48upXJaA[/youtube]
[ … and it’s all thanks to the banks. ] 5.97 million without jobs following prolonged recession and spending cuts It is the highest level since measurements began in the 1970s Over past 12 months a further 691,700 people have fallen out of work There are now 1.8 million Spanish […]
[ Coming to you LIVE and in real time … ] [youtube]_fpEwul07ps[/youtube]
Waiheketv edifies from the coalface. [youtube]6J088IxaobM[/youtube]