Christchurch Voices is a forum for people from Christchurch — personalities, community leaders, homeowners, businesspeople — to speak out on the issues surrounding the earthquake recovery here
Corporate Corruption
[ h / t : Lommy. If Bill Hicks and Ewen Gilmore were ever to be able to somehow together have a child then it would probably look a lot like this ] [youtube]zGuU4xe225A[/youtube]
[youtube]CDcRpCHfRgs[/youtube] Police Fire On Protestors Inside Subway Here Madrid police fire rubber bullets as thousands surround Spanish Congress Here
Two recent movements have transformed the political landscape. The Occupy movement literally operates in the light of day. The other movement operates in secrecy, with money as its “speech” rather than … well, you know, speech. The Romney video offers us a rare glimpse of the other movement. This movement […]
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a free-trade agreement led by the United States in partnership with Asia-Pacific nations like Brunei, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and others. If the agreement is accepted by all participatory nations and successfully passed, signatory countries must conform to a rigid set of legal regulations, including […]
How the news media works and what it’s for. and how it has nothing to do with giving you the news. Video: – Brasscheck
Says that 9/11 was “False Flag” Terror, Just Like the Strategy of Tension in Italy Ferdinando Imposimato is the honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy, and former Senior Investigative Judge, Italy. Imposimato presided over several terrorism-related cases, including the kidnapping and ultimate assassination of President Aldo Moro, the […]