Amnesty International are calling on gullible people everywhere to sign a petiton to get Putin to “stop Assad”. They bitch that “Russia continues to supply arms to the Syrian regime” and that “Russia wants no enforced departure of President Assad”. They ignore the fact that the rebels are a creation […]
Corporate Corruption
Unconfirmed first reports from British, French and Turkish sources say British special forces crossed from Turkey into northern Syria Tuesday, May 26, advancing up to 10 kilometers inside the country. Those sources also report heavy fighting around the Republican Guards compound guarding Bashar Assad’s palace on Mount Qaisoun overlooking Damascus. This two-pronged assault […]
[ Sure hope it’s dying. HBO’s ‘The Newsroom’ kicks news in its naff nads ] [youtube]GggCB01ofFY[/youtube] [youtube]6E-ndv2O0KM[/youtube] [youtube]keaTb60IsCs[/youtube] [youtube]vMAEi_vWpSU[/youtube]
[ Can’t recommend this one enough ] [youtube]zCGSiqow9k4[/youtube]
When money drives almost all activity on the planet, it’s essential that we understand it. Yet simple questions often get overlooked – questions like: where does money come from? Who creates it? Who decides how it gets used? And what does that mean for the millions of ordinary people who […]
Recent announcements by the leaders of several of the nations forming the international assistance force in Afghanistan regarding their involvement post 2014 and their reasons for staying at least until then make it appropriate to consider the ostensible reasons for the invasion and occupation of this strategically located country. In […]
The Congo maintains the second lowest GDP per capita despite having an estimated $24 trillion in untapped raw minerals deposits [17]; it holds more than 30% of the world’s diamond reserves [18] and 80% of the world’s coltan [19], the majority of which is exported to China for processing into […]
“For all the fearmongering we hear out of our politicians about how heaven forbid we’re going to turn into Greece, the one country you never hear them talk about any more . is Iceland. . The reason they don’t is that after -their- financial crisis Iceland took a different path […]
The unthinkable looks possible: a global financial crisis reminiscent of the one in 2008: A full-blown crisis to start in Greece, quickly move to the rest of Europe and then hit the US. Stocks and oil would plunge, the euro would sink against the U.S. dollar, and big banks would […]