[ .Bad, bad, bad, bad, .– bad – ..] [youtube]6NtwrkCkQKY[/youtube]
Corporate Corruption
NIST is adamant that the twin towers’ collapses were initiated by nothing more than aircraft impacts, office fires and gravity. . The following : . details something else entirely. . Please give it your careful consideration. [ … because shit just doesn’t add up. ] . Article
One unsolved mystery of the events of 9-11 is the story of the exploding truck found on King Street in Manhattan on 9-11-2001. [ Kicks off about 5.15 ] [youtube]Huf2Kz7bV2k[/youtube] This article goes over how I went looking for documentation and got absolutely nowhere. . The article is linked here
It’s not so much : “Breaking the Bonds of Friendship” ( as Spain maintains ) so much as : “Breaking the Tithe of Other People’s Extractive Foreign Policy” .
This amazing interview was done back in 1985 with a former KGB agent who was trained in subversion techniques. He explains the 4 basic steps to socially engineering entire generations into thinking and behaving the way those in power want them to. It’s shocking because our nation has been transformed […]
[ Not kidding … In actuality, war has nothing to do with Truth, Justice & The American Way. Former chief of staff for Secretary of State Colin Powell ~ Laurence Wilkerson tells you exactly why war is not even a wee bit about Truth, Justice & The American Way. ] […]
Church of Malthus evangelist, Paul Gilding in his “the Earth is Full” talk, tells us one million years of human progress has “finally” reached its limits. This is a tale that has been fallaciously told for at least the last 200 years since crackpot economist Thomas Malthus warned of imminent […]
A fast-paced 64 minute documentary that covers the world politics of power, war, corporations, deception and exploitation. Newly removed from youtube ~ but available here .
If the Iraq war is over and the Afghan war is winding down, [ … leaving millions of lives ruined and destroyed – and leaving mercenaries and local proxies in place ] – then what is prompting the remorseless expansion of the Pentagon’s vast network of overseas military bases? Veteran foreign […]