Source: I have watched Fox, CNN, and MSNBC more or less non-stop over the last three days. Normally, I watch the corporate news and check it against my regular news sources on the internet, but the internet is not working very well here (it is working OK this evening, […]
Corporate Corruption
Source: Britain now faces its own blowback Intelligence interests may thwart the July bombings investigation Michael Meacher Saturday September 10, 2005 The Guardian The videotape of the suicide bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan has switched the focus of the London bombings away from the establishment view of brainwashed, murderous individuals […]
Source: From ELECTRONZ – 441 Weekly international Ezine focusing on the New Economics 2 November 2004 For a country just reaching 4 million people, the idea of Student Debts passing $7 Billions, when it is less than 20 years old, causes us to wonder if we are hearing it […]
Source: Morgan Reynolds, Former Chief Economist under President Bush Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Secretary of Treasury under Pres. Reagan U.S. Senator Mark Dayton U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney Professor David Ray Griffin, Renowned Theologian Robert M. Bowman, Head of Advanced Space Programs, Dept. of Defense Michael Meacher, UK Minister of […]
OPINION: BY JOHN WHYTE I write calling for the media defense of what remains of our open society. The greatest threat to genuine democracy in our open society is perceived to be the unholy alliance between governments and big business on a scale that is worldwide. Ubiquitous financial market domination […]
Source: By Walter Last The medical profession takes much pride in the rigorous scientific research that underpins its approach to cancer treatment. Someone newly diagnosed with cancer faces enormous pressure from our health care system to start immediately on a scientific medical treatment program that involves surgery, chemotherapy and […]
Source: The point is not whether the National Party is somehow behind the Exclusive Brethren pamphlets. The point is that the kind of world that a Don Brash led government would create is such a tidy fit with the views and mindset of people like the Exclusive Brethren, a […]
Friends of the Earth NZ wrote: > Climate Crisis,,,MEDIA LENS: Correcting for the distorted vision of the > corporate media > ————————————————————————————————————————————– > In the article that follows, the authors point out that : > > “One of the major gaps in the climate ‘debate’ is the deafening silence > […]
Stuart Troy wrote: > just too too much rich stuff for me to pick from so here it all is. > > —–Original Message—– > From: Information Clearing House > Sent: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 13:21:08 -0700 > To: > Subject: ICH: Listening to Your Neighbors Die: > > […]
Source: TomDispatch [Note to Tomdispatch readers: You have to be careful these days about predicting the obvious. In my last piece, Iraq in America, I wrote, “…don’t hold your breath about either the Pentagon’s or the administration’s nation-building skills in the U.S. (But count on ‘reconstruction’ contracts going to Halliburton.)” […]