A sensible idea: Therefore I don’t fancy the chances…Wasn’t one of Biden’s first actions as POTUS to put a halt to Keystone XL? One suspects a plot. Or perhaps just the actions of a Useful Idiot? MH (I won’t discourage you from signing the petition though) Rebel News 42048 subscribers SIGN […]
Meltdown News
Both Putin and Biden have delivered their rambling and uninspiring speeches on the Ukraine situation. While Putin’s speech amounts to a history lesson, Biden’s speech is summed up below.
“A society becomes totalitarian when its structure becomes flagrantly artificial: that is when its ruling class has lost its function but succeeds in clinging to power by force or fraud.” – George Orwell. By Dr Muriel Newman Over the last two years, Jacinda Ardern’s Government has instituted a raft of unprecedented […]
In response to Russia having some half a million well equipped and missile protected troops surrounding Ukraine, apart from preeminent missile capabilities from all surrounding waters and land platforms, officially reported as 130,000 troops; America and NATO react. Opinion by G Squared Apart from Russia having already defeated American fuelled […]
Sailing great Sir Russell Coutts is hitting out at what he calls “ever-increasing erosion of our human rights” and has announced he will join the anti-COVID vaccine mandate protests at Parliament. from Newshub: © Provided by Newshub Sir Russell says he’s not “anti-vaccine” and is COVID-immunised himself, but is against “forced […]
This is NOT satire, repeat, this NOT satire! BY TYLER DURDEN WEDNESDAY, FEB 09, 2022 – 03:05 PM The Biden administration is finalizing funding to promote “racial equity” by handing out free glass crack pipes for drug addicts to smoke crack cocaine, crystal methamphetamine or any other “illicit substance.” Comedian Dave […]
“The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars– the First, the Second and Cold Wars– has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united there, they’re the only force that could threaten us. And to make sure that that doesn’t happen.” George […]
Not the first time this clip has been used, we’ve featured an Ardern version before, but brilliant nevertheless. Enjoy!
A side-splitting but incisive opinion piece by Tucker Carlson on the fear-based reaction of the politicians over the Canadian trucker protests. Brilliant. “When you start making threats like that, you’ve already lost…you are impotent…” Tucker Carlson Fox News8.84M subscribers ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host analyzes Canada’s trucker strike and what our […]
The Hatchard Report: The use of brute force rather than dialogue in Parliament Square today is a reflection of a long standing imbalance in healthcare and an arrogant political misunderstanding of what science is. Before the pandemic modern medical healthcare was already in crisis. In the USA medical misadventure had become […]