Says true intentions of President and Treasury head are questionable Steve Watson Friday, March 27, 2009 In the wake of discussions of and hints at a move toward a new global currency, a Republican Congresswoman has introduced a resolution in the House “that would bar the dollar from being […]


See the excellent documentary The Money Masters to see how the powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a […]

The Corbett Report is pleased to announce the release of the latest episode of the podcast which is now available for download from the homepage: Episode 081 Surviving the collapse We all know that the economy is falling apart and we all know we’re in for a summer of […]


Ray Attrill from Forecast Australia talks about the chances of a single world reserve currency soon, or when he sees this new global currency coming into place.    Watch here. Related: The New World Order for Dummies Did you know that there is a plan to bring in a world dictatorship, […]

YahooNews STRASBOURG (AFP) – The European Union’s Czech presidency Wednesday blasted US plans to spend trillions of dollars to revive its economy as a “way to hell”, before downplaying the remark to avert a diplomatic crisis. Outgoing Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek told lawmakers at the European Parliament in Strasbourg […]

By DAVID BARBOZA March 23, 2009 “New York Times“ – – SHANGHAI — In another indication that China is growing increasingly concerned about holding huge dollar reserves, the head of its central bank has called for the eventual creation of a new international currency reserve to replace the dollar. In […]


The Corbett Report is pleased to announce the latest episode of the podcast which is now available for download from the website: htttp:// Episode 080 The summer of our discontent The governments of the developed world have been preparing for decades to implement martial law. Now intelligence agencies, CFR members, […]
