More evidence that sociopaths are running the asylum? UK Telegraph By Christopher Booker Last Updated: 6:06PM GMT 07 Mar 2009 How odd that, last Monday, none of our media global warming groupies should have bothered to report what was billed to be “the largest ever demonstration for civil disobedience over […]

1 Thursday, March 5, 2009 Privately, with friends and family, I’ve been referring to New Zealand as Iceland 2. The financial situation here is not quite as absurd as Iceland’s, but the comparison is legitimate because of New Zealand’s extremely high debt load. —NEW ZEALAND FOREIGN DEBT SITUATION CRITICAL: […]


KINGSTON, NY, 27, February 2009 — The wealth of plain, hard facts upon which The Trends Research Institute’s forecasts are based belie the lofty promises made by President Obama’s first address to Congress. “We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before,” […] Food riots were but one form of economic violence that made its bloody appearance in 2008. As economic conditions worsened, protests against rising unemployment, government ineptitude, and the unaddressed needs of the poor erupted as well, notes Michael T. Klare. Will Economic Brushfires Prove Too Virulent to Contain? The […]
