Many folks still don’t get it. There was a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico in August of 2005. It caused huge damage in Mississippi but very MODEST damage in New Orleans. What catastrophically damaged New Orleans was flooding caused by the failure of the federal levee system – an […]
Source: https://www.dailyexpress.co.uk/posts/view/146138 HERE are the 100 reasons, released in a dossier issued by the European Foundation, why climate change is natural and not man-made: 1) There is “no real scientific proof” that the current warming is caused by the rise of greenhouse gases from man’s activity. 2) Man-made carbon dioxide emissions throughout human […]
“Best thing I’ve read so far” : Haiti 2010: An Unwelcome Katrina Redux
US Govt adding to the Haitian nightmare. They sent in the Marines and the warships but they have blocked the doctors: https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/press/release.cfm?id=4165
Democracy Now speaks with TransAfrica founder Randall Robinson, author of An Unbroken Agony: Haiti, from Revolution to the Kidnapping of a President. On President Obama tapping former President Bill Clinton and former President George W Bush to co-chair US relief efforts in Haiti, Robinson says, “Bush was responsible for destroying […]
[ Oh. My. God. ] https://axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/Article_58030.shtml [ And. ] [youtube]FrAShtolieg[/youtube]
[youtube]uEggt0ldQUI[/youtube] Transcript here: https://www.corbettreport.com/articles/20091125_enviro_message.htm
[ … I don’t really know anything about global warming (never researched it), -but- … ] Global Warming Farce – Could We Soon Be Blamed For Global Cooling ? by Sarah Price UK, December 23, 2009, (Pal Telegraph) – As we have observed over the last few days the Mayon […]