UNCENSORED POST: Now there is no longer any excuse. https://www.sott.net/articles/show/199125-Study-Proves-Three-Monsanto-Corn-Varieties-Noxiousness-to-the-Organism GMO cornfields in Canada. A new European study “clearly reveals … new side effects linked with GM maize consumption” affected the liver and kidneys, but also other organs for three Monsanto GMO corn varieties.
Source: infowars.com In a new development that is potentially devastating to the agenda to introduce a global carbon tax and a cap and trade system, Al Gore admits that the majority of global warming that occurred until 2001 was not primarily caused by CO2. Before we get too excited, Gore […]
ARTICLE: ClimateGate: “Hadley” CRU Emails and Hacked Data: FOI2009.ZIP (62 MB) VIDEO: Climate-Gate Probe Called For By Senator James Inhofe — Stuart Varney Debates Ed Begley Jr. [youtube]CHATItyOsdY[/youtube]
High Quality || Part 1 of 10 [youtube]r3OedIuaZto[/youtube] [youtube]dR0SfMG8aDs[/youtube] [youtube]gKKdC73Pdbc[/youtube] [youtube]1V0ugZQowXU[/youtube] [youtube]XBSxRA4qjo4[/youtube] [youtube]_i5Eoa5Bmus[/youtube] [youtube]oMdcEN-2j3E[/youtube] [youtube]7TOh67R3aZc[/youtube] [youtube]CoxNgPngNQY[/youtube] [youtube]YlYi2O2cLdY[/youtube] [youtube]
The phrase ‘contempt prior to examination’ leaps readily to mind here. (and so does her interview with John Pilger just after the ‘war on terror’ started some eight -fucking- years ago). I guess that some journalists – especially those that wish to remain systemically employed for wealthy entities like the […]
[youtube]mx3q2arm_ek[/youtube] [youtube]Ydo2Mwnwpac[/youtube] Epoch Times https://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/25478/ Climate change scientists have been manipulating and fixing data according to bloggers that are spreading information contained in hundreds of hacked emails. Bloggers say the 62 mb worth of emails were hacked from the Climate Research Unit, part of Britain’s University of East Anglia and […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday 13th November 2009 Poison Free New Zealand’s Nationwide Protest Day Sunday 15 November – 2 pm Poison Free New Zealand have organized sixteen nationwide rallies from Great Barrier to Te Anau to protest against the continuous, indiscriminate aerial dropping of the poisons 1080 and Brodifacoum on […]
https://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/11/science/11tier.html?_r=2&hpw President Obama and the rest of the Group of 8 leaders decreed last month that the planet’s average temperature shall not rise more than 2 degrees Fahrenheit above today’s level. But what if Mother Earthdidn’t get the memo? How do we stay cool in the future? Two options: Plan A. Keep […]