Did you know scientists aren’t sure what’s causing climate change? by M. J. Molyneaux, (MIPENZ), B.Sc. [Eng Mat]; B. Soc. Sc. Hons., M.A.[psychometry research] While newspapers report a general consensus among scientific institutions that climate change in modern times is caused mainly by the combustion of fossil fuels and even […]
Great news everyone! Prime TV is airing The Great Global Warming Swindle on May the 25th at 8.30pm. Tell all your friends. The Great Global Warming Swindle reveals that Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth is replete with factual inaccuracies. For an interview with Martin Durkin, the maker of this documentary, […]
Just a quick note to anyone interested in this Global Warming debate to make sure that you have seen the short interview with Professor Bob Carter from James Cook University who explains how man-made carbon dioxide emissions are NOT causing catastrophic global warming! The link is here: https://www.nzcpr.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=396
Is this an isolated case of Mainstream waking up … or??? https://www.cosmosmagazine.com/node/1810
Source: livescience.com Video: guardian.co.uk Video: Antarctic Ice Shelf Disintegration North vs. South Poles: 10 Wild Differences Images: Ice of the Antarctic A vast ice shelf hanging on by a thin strip looks to be the next chunk to break off from the Antarctic Peninsula, the latest sign of global warming’s […]
The following is from the February the 18th, 2007 David Icke e-mail newsletter: Hello all … I have been unconvinced by the official story of global warming for a long time now and the events of recent months leave me in no doubt that it’s all a scam. It’s not […]
Couple won’t pay fine for sex on stage https://www.aftenposten.no/english/local/article824743.ece The environmental activists who claim they had sex on stage at a live music festival in Norway this week to help protect the world’s rain forests say they won’t pay fines doled out by police. That means the case will likely […]
Watching as the world vanishes https://www.boston.com/news/globe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2006/01/01/watching_as_the_world_vanishes/ By Roxana Robinson | January 1, 2006 IT WAS SHAMEFUL, everyone agreed afterward, that no one did anything at the time. Because people knew it was happening. There were reports, early on. People saw things, near where it was happening. They knew. Later, they […]
· Drop in water level affects towns dependent on river · Crisis blamed on Gulf coast hurricanes Alex Bellos in Manaus Saturday October 1, 2005 The Guardian https://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,,1582355,00.html Large parts of the Amazon rainforest are at their driest in living memory, a direct consequence, scientists say, of the severe hurricane […]