PEOPLE tend to have strong opinions about geoengineering – large-scale manipulation of the environment to counteract global warming. These opinions are often highly polarised and, thanks in part to media coverage, usually focus on two extremes. On the one hand, there is the view that geoengineering is the quick-and-easy fix […]

13 Sailing ships once carried much of the world’s cargo across the seas, until canvas sheets were replaced by low-grade “bunker” oil. Now it appears that wind power is about to make a comeback, in the form of rigid “sails” that double as solar panels. The patent-pending technology, called the […]


Based on Margaret Atwood’s bestselling book Payback Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth, The documentary film ‘Payback’ offers a fascinating look at debt as a mental construct and traces how it influences relationships, societies, governing structures and the fate of the planet. [youtube]2svBSHoGWew[/youtube] Some additional filmmaker interview footage here […]
