PEOPLE tend to have strong opinions about geoengineering – large-scale manipulation of the environment to counteract global warming. These opinions are often highly polarised and, thanks in part to media coverage, usually focus on two extremes. On the one hand, there is the view that geoengineering is the quick-and-easy fix […]
More than a year after the Fukushima nuclear disaster began, Japan is on the fast track to becoming one of the largest solar PV markets in the world, overtaking both Germany and Italy. Read full article… Sailing ships once carried much of the world’s cargo across the seas, until canvas sheets were replaced by low-grade “bunker” oil. Now it appears that wind power is about to make a comeback, in the form of rigid “sails” that double as solar panels. The patent-pending technology, called the […]
It seems to me that the millions of Americans caught in long-term unemployment are suffering from some kind of illness – a mental impairment that blocks their ability to be creative – called hopelessness. Through no fault of their own, they seem to lack the will to create their own […]
Bilderberg Behind The New World Order? . For over half century, a collection of world leaders have been meeting annually across the globe, but this year the Bilderberg group, which many believe sets global agendas, is gathering in Chantilly, Virginia. A lot of people think the decisions made here only […]
Based on Margaret Atwood’s bestselling book Payback Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth, The documentary film ‘Payback’ offers a fascinating look at debt as a mental construct and traces how it influences relationships, societies, governing structures and the fate of the planet. [youtube]2svBSHoGWew[/youtube] Some additional filmmaker interview footage here […]
Once upon a time, the largest U.S. cities were the envy of the entire world. Sadly, that is no longer the case. Sure, there are areas of New York City, Boston, Washington and Los Angeles that are still absolutely beautiful but for the most part our major cities are rapidly […]