Last week I sent out an e-mail concerning the fact that the Social Security Death Index (SSDI) shows that Adam Lanza, the alleged Sandy Hook shooter, actually died on December 13, 2012, the day before Sandy Hook occurred. I outlined, step by step, how I obtained this information, so doubters […]
Press Accounts Fail to Mention His Vindication by CIA Inspector General Reports and Congressional Investigations Gary Webb, 49, the Pulitzer Prize winning reporter from the San Jose Mercury News made America hold its breath in 1996 when he showed us proof of direct CIA involvement in drug trafficking. For a few months […]
A Notre Dame football star, an aerospace engineering senior at Iowa State, an attractive high school graduate, a young patriot, and an Olympic shooting champion all were recruited by the CIA at a young age. These five brave individuals risk retaliation in revealing the story of their gradual disillusionment and […]
[ Coming to you LIVE and in real time … ] [youtube]_fpEwul07ps[/youtube]
[ A pawn poses next to some French fighter jets … … … ppossibly pondering how he’s going to personally benefit from all of this ] Author and publicist F. William Engdahl says Mali’s turning into a geopolitical battleground – in a war for the region’s resources. [ … because […]
The Federal Aviation Administration is working towards putting the finishing touches on rules and regulations for widespread domestic drone use, and the agency expects as many as 30,000 UAVs will be in America’s airspace by the decade’s end. AsRussia Today notes, given that the department has already addressed the issue of […]
The federal government calls them FEMA Corps. But they conjure up memories of the Hitler Youth of 1930s in Germany . Regardless of their name, Obamas Dept of Homeland Security has just graduated its first class of 231 Homeland Youth! Kids, aged 18-24 and recruited from the Presidents AmeriCorp volunteers, […]
Narrated by Morgan Freeman, this excellent documentary aims to break the political taboo over the ‘War on Drugs’ and expose the largest failure of global policy in the last 40 years.
It seems that the Make Wars History (MWH) website is no longer available. There is, however, an active Facebook page with regular conversation. [youtube]7pfwpwKvqnU[/youtube]