Everyone knows that the Obama administration has been steadily gearing up for a military campaign against Syria. Everyone also knows that Russia and China do not want to see this happen. Now Russia and China are sending military forces to Syria. [ … because some people plain just don’t […]
This version finally cuts several bogus quotes which have festered in the monetary reform literature for decades. The world economy is doomed to spiral downwards until we do 2 things: 1. outlaw government borrowing 2. outlaw fractional reserve lending Banks should only be allowed to lend out money they actually […]
“For all the fearmongering we hear out of our politicians about how heaven forbid we’re going to turn into Greece, the one country you never hear them talk about any more . is Iceland. . The reason they don’t is that after -their- financial crisis Iceland took a different path […]
The unthinkable looks possible: a global financial crisis reminiscent of the one in 2008: A full-blown crisis to start in Greece, quickly move to the rest of Europe and then hit the US. Stocks and oil would plunge, the euro would sink against the U.S. dollar, and big banks would […]
The German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has run two articles alleging that Syrian Sunni rebels committed the Houla massacre, reporting that the victims were largely from Alawi and Shia minorities in Houla. . This is important because the Syrian government has been blamed for the massacre and the massacre has […]
[ … … neat … like in THX-1138 ] A recent Supreme Court ruling on the appeals of Gitmo detainees leaves them with no ‘legal’ option but to die in detention. By not taking any of these cases, the Supreme Court has ensured that the government does not need to […]
This could soon be a thing of the past – British forces engaged in simultaneous conflict on two fronts as they were in Afghanistan and Iraq. [youtube]Sd1NiF-hM70[/youtube]
The US and Israel are engaged in extensive strategic, political and military cooperation. This cooperation is broad and includes American aid, intelligence sharing, and joint military exercises. American military aid to Israel comes in different forms, including grants, special project allocations and loans. According to ifamericansknew.org, Israel receives about $3 […]
[ … and Dr Paul Buchanan does his level best to publically perpetuate some cultural myths ] Serious analysis of government policy is a vital function of the media in a democratic society. But in New Zealand we are often poorly served because the mind set of many journalists and […]
The US is claiming Russia has sent helicopters to Syria to help the government. So did Russia send helicopters to fight the terrorists or not? Article