Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is calling for an R2P humanitarian military intervention in Syria to curb the atrocities allegedly ordered by the government of president Bashar Al Assad. In a twisted logic, Clinton recognizes that while “opposition forces” are integrated by Al Qaeda affiliated terrorists, the government rather than […]
The topic that was dangling at the forefront of most American’s minds at the end of 2011, and even seeping into the beginning of 2012, was the fate of the Internet. The Stop Online Piracy Act, discussed further below, whipped citizens into a frenzy and led to the largest Internet-based […]
[ … and they do. ] America’s drones strikes are a violation of human rights because innocent men, women, and children are being killed, Pakistani Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani said on Wednesday. Gilani made the comment to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navanthem Pillay and it was […]
[ The daily grind of the Nabi Saleh protest against the slow, gradualized theft of their land and against the occupation continues. ] [youtube]_xqdd_kBvHg[/youtube]
US defense secretary Leon Panetta is on a nine trip to Asia-pacific region. His mission ? The Obama’s administration plans for Asia-Pacific military build-up. [youtube]UiPffiCbD8M[/youtube]
“A massive fraud has been perpetrated – and we are the victims of a massive hoax.” Audio here
The US-led economic war on Iran has been dangerously ratcheted up with the launching of a powerful new computer virus targeting the nation’s nuclear research facilities and other vital commercial sectors, including the oil and banking industries. Previously, the Iranian economy and scientific research centres have been hacked with the […]
This is the story about how the American economy has gotten where it is today. And yes, while this is a cartoon, it is quite humorous and if you pay attention, you might just learn some important history as well. . Video here
Bilderberg Behind The New World Order? . For over half century, a collection of world leaders have been meeting annually across the globe, but this year the Bilderberg group, which many believe sets global agendas, is gathering in Chantilly, Virginia. A lot of people think the decisions made here only […]